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例句 John was banished from England.约翰被逐出了英格兰。He was banished from court.被逐出法庭。He was threatened with eviction for failing to pay the rent.他因未缴纳房租而受到被逐出住所的威胁。The enemy troops were finally dislodged from the fort.敌军终于被逐出要塞。The killer is believed to be a customer nursing a grudge after being thrown out of the club.据说那个凶手是一位因被逐出俱乐部而怀恨在心的顾客。He was kicked out of the golf club.被逐出了高尔夫球俱乐部。He was disinherited and thrown out on the pavement.他被剥夺了继承权,并被逐出家门而流落街头。The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.医生们列举了大量病人被逐出医院的实例。He suffered the indignity of being forced to leave the courtroom.他遭受了被逐出法庭的侮辱。He was frozen out of official life.被逐出了官场。Once they took up the tenancy they couldn't be evicted.他们一旦承租就不能被逐出For what were Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise?亚当和夏娃是因为什么被逐出伊甸园的? The manager was expelled from his dugout for protesting at the decision.主教练因为对判罚提出异议而被逐出教练席。They had been evicted from their apartment.他们被逐出公寓。People with leprosy were shamed and driven out of their communities.那时麻疯病人受到羞辱,并被逐出社区。His ejection from the hall caused a riot.被逐出会场,引起一场骚动。They were exiled from their homes during the war.战争期间他们被逐出家园。He was pitched out of office last year after a series of blunders.他去年犯了一系列大错之后,被逐出了办公室。Several football supporters were deported from Italy during the World Cup.世界杯赛期间,有几名足球迷被逐出意大利。He had to answer his inquisitors' questions or be thrown out of school.他不得不回答审问者的种种问题,否则会被逐出校门。An American academic was expelled from the country yesterday.昨天一位美国学者被逐出该国。Street vendors will be banished from the city streets unless they register with the council.街头小贩将被逐出城市街道,除非他们在地方政务会登记。He was flung out of school for swearing at a teacher.他因为辱骂老师被逐出学校。He was kicked off the team.被逐出了队伍。




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