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词汇 被迫辞职
例句 There is a lot of pressure on him to resign.他面临着被迫辞职的很大压力。He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal.当他的一位助手牵涉进一起金融丑闻时,他被迫辞职It is improbable that the Prime Minister will be forced to resign.首相未必会被迫辞职In the end he was forced to resign but it was all very hush-hush.最后他被迫辞职,但这些全是秘密发生的。The corruption scandal has claimed yet another casualty: the Finance Minister, who was forced to resign last night.这一桩腐败丑闻又有一人成了牺牲品:昨天晚上财政部长被迫辞职After the scandal, the CEO was pressed into resigning.丑闻传出后,首席执行官被迫辞职A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press.一人因为受到一些媒体的抨击已被迫辞职There's a rumour abroad that he will be forced to resign.到处传说他将被迫辞职He was forced to resign after a vote of no confidence by the board of directors.董事会对他投了不信任票之后,他被迫辞职He had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway.他承受着被迫辞职的压力,不管怎样很快就会被扫地出门的。It seems very likely that he will be forced to resign.他似乎很可能会被迫辞职The chief of police was forced to resign after allegations of corruption.警察局长被指控有腐败行为后被迫辞职The President was implicated in the cover-up and forced to resign.总统因与这起真相隐瞒事件有牵连而被迫辞职When the minister was forced to resign, the press was generally seen as the villain of the piece.那位部长被迫辞职,人们普遍认为新闻界是罪魁祸首。It's only a matter of time before he's forced to resign.被迫辞职只是迟早的事。She won her claim for constructive dismissal because she had been pressured into resigning.由于是被迫辞职,她赢得了推定解雇赔偿的申诉。He was forced to resign by Russia's conservative parliament.他在俄罗斯保守议会的压力下被迫辞职He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined.他承受着被迫辞职的压力,很快就要被排挤出去了。Within three months of his election he was forced to resign.他当选后不到三个月就被迫辞职He was forced to resign due to ill health.他因健康原因被迫辞职The mayor is under pressure to resign. 市长正面临被迫辞职的压力。She had to endure the ignominy of being forced to resign.她不得不忍受被迫辞职的耻辱。He was pilloried by the media and forced to resign.他受到了媒体的抨击,被迫辞职Off the record, he was forced to resign.据小道消息,他是被迫辞职的。He deplored the fact that the Foreign Secretary was driven into resignation.他对外交大臣被迫辞职一事表示强烈谴责。




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