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词汇 表层
例句 A plastic surgeon can remove the top layer of skin.整形外科医生可以除去最表层的皮肤。She carefully scraped away the top layer of paint.她小心翼翼地刮掉表层的油漆。Rainwater had washed away all the topsoil.雨水把表层土都冲走了。The city may well look different but the changes are superficial.那座城市或许看上去不一样了,但这些变化都是表层的。The top layer of the rug is badly worn but the bottom layer is still OK.地毯的表层磨损得很厉害,但是底层还好。Put the lid on, or a crust will form on the paints.把盖子盖好,否则颜料表层会硬化。The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns.必须将表层皮肤移植到烫伤处。This cream regenerates skin's appearance by exfoliating its outer layer.这种乳膏通过去除表层使皮肤再生。A farmer was spreading fertilizer over the surface of the soil.一位农夫在给田地表层施肥。This causes environmental damage when the topsoil is washed away by the rains.表层土壤被雨水冲走之后,便会对环境造成破坏。They stripped the table and refinished it.他们把桌子表层刮掉,又重新抛光。Before the concrete sets the surface can be given a final smoothing over.在混凝土凝固之前,表层还可以最后再平整一遍。Cooking the grain will release the starch from the outside coating.蒸煮稻谷可以把其表层的淀粉释放出来。The outer surface of the nylon rope was badly abraded.尼龙绳的表层磨损严重。The surface of the brain is pinky-grey and latticed with tiny blood vessels.大脑表层呈灰红色,上面的微细血管纵横交错,宛如一个个斜格子。Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain.运动会使大脑表层的血管扩张。The calcium, potassium, and magnesium ions are leached or washed out of the top soil into lower inaccessible subsoil.钙、钾和镁离子被滤出表层土壤流入低层土壤却无法被吸收。The atmosphere is the earth's invisible rind.大气是地球的无形表层Marx points out the potential conflicts below the surface of society.马克思指出了隐藏在社会表层之下的潜在矛盾。




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