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词汇 Are
例句 Are you ever going to settle down and get married?你打算结婚过安稳的日子吗?Are you being served, madam?女士,有服务员招待您吗?Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?你是说你在警察局有一帮通风报信的?Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?你办婚礼想摆桌宴还是提供自助餐?Are appliances you buy safe? We point out the danger signs.你买的家用器具安全吗?我们指出一些危险征兆。Are you man enough for this dangerous job?你有没有足够的男子汉气概去做这一危险的工作? Are you sure you locked the door? I thought I heard a noise downstairs.你肯定锁门了吗?我好像听到楼下有响声。Are you ready? Hurry up - we're late.准备好了吗?快点——我们都晚了。Are both of their children adopted?他们的两个孩子都是领养的吗?Are you inferring that I'm wrong?你的意思是我错了吗?Are you sure those shoes are the right size for Bill?你肯定那双鞋子给比尔穿大小正好吗?We're going out dancing tonight. Are you up for it? 我们今晚打算出去跳舞,你想和我们去吗?Are you going to the prom?你打算参加学年舞会吗?Are you willing to make a commitment to our cause?你愿意为我们的事业而献身吗?Are you telling me we're going to be hearing the patter of tiny feet?你是说我们就要有小宝宝了吗?Are you sure the hall will be large enough?你确定那个厅够大吗?Hi there! What's cooking? Are we going out?嗨!要做什么?你要出去吗?You agreed to marry him? Are you crazy?你答应跟他结婚?你疯了??Are you tired? Why don't you have a sleep this afternoon?你累吗?下午睡一觉吧。Are Marie and Sam still knocking about together?玛丽和萨姆还常厮混在一起吗? Are you ready to take your business to the next level?你做好了让生意更上一层楼的准备了吗?Can I come in? Are you decent?我能进来吗?你穿戴整齐了吧?Are you Jewish?你是犹太人吗?Are your grandparents still living?你的祖父母还健在吗? Let me help you up. Are you hurt?我来扶你起来。你伤到哪儿没有?Are her plans definite?她的计划确定了吗?You can't do that! Are you off your nut?你不能那样做!你傻了吗?Are you a native here, or just a visitor?你是本地人?或者只是过客? Are you sure you're OK with the arrangement?你肯定这样安排你没问题吗?Are you sure Linda's pregnant, or are you just guessing?你肯定琳达是怀孕了,还是只是猜测?Are you up for watching a movie?你想看电影吗?Are you going to Darren's leaving do?你参加巴伦的欢送会吗?Are the fish biting today?今天鱼咬钩吗?Are you managing all right in your new job?你的新工作还顺利吧?Are you impugning my competence as a professional designer?你是在质疑我作为专业设计师的能力吗?Are you joining us for a swim?和我们一起去游泳吗?Are these documents relative to the discussion?这些文件和我们讨论的问题有关吗?Are you on the rota for cooking?你轮值做饭吗?Are you deliberately trying to hurt me?你是故意要让我难过吗 ?Are you feeling all right now?现在你感觉还好吗?




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