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词汇 衣服
例句 Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.围好围巾,扣好衣服If you buy a drier, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。She had a wash and changed her clothes.她洗澡后换了身衣服Are you sure you'll be warm enough dressed like that?你肯定穿这些衣服够暖和吗?Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life!我如今身在一家破旧的旅馆里,没有干净衣服,没有一分钱,又惊魂未定。这是什么日子啊!The warehouse is being used to store food and clothes for the refugees.这座仓库用来存放分发给难民的食品与衣服The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities.火灾灾民从数个慈善团体收到食物和衣服The dress looked wonderful paired with a long leather coat.这件衣服配上一件长皮衣看起来棒极了。Cowardice is symbolized in the painting by the white feathers on the soldier's coat.在这幅画中,懦弱是通过士兵衣服上白色的羽毛作象征的。Soak the clothes in cold water.衣服泡在冷水里。I know a good trick for removing stains from clothes.我知道一个去掉衣服上污渍的窍门。I've got to get changed first. I've got to put my uniform on.我得先换一下衣服,穿上制服。Get a load of that dress!你看看那件衣服Since it's getting warmer this time of year, I want something lightweight.到了一年的这时候天气已渐渐暖和,我需要几件薄型衣服Her dress bagged shapelessly about her.衣服松松垮垮地套在她身上,不成样子。If you believe the fashion pundits, we'll all be wearing pink this year. 要是你相信时尚权威们的话,今年我们就都要穿粉红色衣服了。She quickly pulled on her clothes/sweater.她迅速穿上了衣服/毛衣。I'm going to take off every stitch of clothing and jump in that river.我将把衣服统统脱掉,跳入河水。I used to wear trendy gear but it just looked ridiculous.我以前常穿新潮的衣服,但看上去却滑稽可笑。Food, clothing, and shelter are things that every person needs.食物、衣服和住所是每个人的必需品。Jeanette put out her clean clothes on the bed.珍妮特把自己的干净衣服摆放在床上。I wouldn't be caught dead in that skanky outfit!我死也不会穿那件艳俗恶心的衣服She did not have a decent dress for the ball.她没有参加舞会的合适衣服This dress needs to be taken in a bit.这件衣服要改小一些。In warm weather, wear light-coloured clothing to reflect the heat.热天可穿浅色衣服把热量反射。She stood up and straightened her clothes.她站起来,把衣服整理了一下。If you dye the clothes in too small a pan, the colour will be patchy.你如果在太小的盆里染衣服,那么衣服上就会有不匀染斑。These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.这些衣服使你行动不便,让全身都变得不灵活。She ordered some dresses and was extremely exacting during fittings.她定制了几件衣服,在试样时极为挑剔。All my clothes are falling to pieces.我所有的衣服都破旧不堪。I zipped her up because she couldn't do it herself.我把她衣服的拉链拉上了,因为她自己拉不上。My sons would never dream of expecting their clothes to be ironed.我的几个儿子从不指望别人帮他们熨好衣服After a night in the rain the clothes were saturated.在雨里呆了一晚,衣服都湿透了。She buys clothes more for the label than the style.她买衣服主要是看品牌而不是看款式。She got dressed quickly.她迅速穿好了衣服The cold wind seemed to strike through our clothes.寒风好像直往我们衣服里钻。It's important to wear special reflective clothing when riding a bike.骑自行车时穿上特制的反光衣服是很重要的。You must change into a clean dress before going out.你外出前必须换上一套干净的衣服Gayle took revenge on her husband by cutting up all his best clothes.盖尔把她丈夫的所有好衣服都剪碎作为报复。




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