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词汇 warned
例句 Our teacher warned us not to try any monkey business while she was out of the room.老师警告我们说,她不在教室的时候不得胡闹。I warned her time and again but she didn't take a blind bit of notice.我一次又一次提醒她,但她根本不当一回事。Scientists warned of even greater eruptions to come.科学家们警告说有可能出现更加强烈的喷发。He warned that such measures could cause the economy to collapse.他警告说,这些措施可能会导致经济崩溃。He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life.他被警告如果再次严重摔伤他可能会终身残疾。We warned them that there was a bull in the field.我们提醒他们,田里有一头公牛。Nuclear weapons could end up in the hands of terror groups, a terrorism expert has warned.核武器最终可能会落到恐怖组织手中,一位反恐专家警告说。A sign warned motorists to drive with care.有一块告示牌警告司机小心驾驶。Players are warned, fined and can even be disqualified for unsporting actions in the heat of contest.在激烈的竞赛中,缺乏体育道德的选手会被警告、罚款乃至撤销比赛资格。Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action.银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.马克斯警告她说她这是在玩火,有被起诉的危险。She warned that there was no room for complacency on inflation.她警告说对待通货膨胀不能有一丝的懈怠。Dog-owners have been warned to keep their animals under control.狗的主人已被告诫要看管好自己的狗。We were warned not to talk to reporters.我们被警告不准与记者交谈。Analysts warned that Europe's most powerful economy may be facing trouble.分析家警告说,欧洲最强大的经济体可能将面临困境。He polished up his car until his friends warned him to leave well enough alone.他把汽车擦个不停,直到朋友们告诫他不要擦得过了头才住手。We were warned to clear off before the floods came.我们得到警告,要我们在洪水来到之前离开。Local residents were warned to stay indoors as the rioting continued.随着骚乱的持续,当地居民被警告待在室内。They warned him that a referendum might cause an explosion in the country.他们警告他说全民公决可能会引发国内暴乱。Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through.国会议员被警告如果他们的投票通过可能会带来不良影响。Weathermen yesterday warned that there would be no respite from the gales.气象预报员昨天发出警告,称大风会一直持续。The local people were warned that the volcano might erupt at any time.当地人得到警告,火山会随时爆发。Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole.财经分析家告诫投资者千万不要碰这些报价。He had been warned several times about speeding.他因超速已被警告过数次。Captains of industry have warned that the government's policy could harm British business.各大企业首脑警告说,政府的政策可能会危害英国的商业。They warned us to expect/fear the worst. 他们提醒我们要做最坏的打算。The old man warned them off his land.老人警告他们别踏进他的地界。Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment.她的理财顾问告诫过她不要进行风险那么大的投资。Motorists were warned to beware of slippery conditions.已提醒开车的人要当心道路湿滑。She was warned to ease back on her hectic lifestyle if she wanted to carry the baby to term.她被警告如果想足月生产,必须放缓忙碌的生活节奏。He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts.他昨天警告说,给教师们加薪会导致职位的裁减。Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.医生警告说,治疗常见病不可掉以轻心。Before they left, Colette took me to one side and warned me about Bernard.他们离开之前,科利特把我拉到一边,提醒我要当心伯纳德。Freezing conditions are making the roads extremely hazardous and drivers are warned to take extra care.严寒的天气使路面情况极其危险,司机注意开车时要格外小心。I was warned by the doctor about the associated side effects of the new treatment.医生事先通知我新疗法的相关副作用。Children must be warned to stay away from main roads.必须警告孩子们远离交通要道。Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.机场的炸弹恐吓事件之后,全体员工都被告诫要格外警惕。He warned that the effects of any war would be incalculable.他警告说任何战争的后果都将是不可估量的。He warned that his economic programme for the country was not negotiable.他警告说他的国家经济计划没有商量的余地。He warned that they might be plotting a coup against the administration.他警告说他们可能在密谋一场针对该政府的政变。




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