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例句 Training pet animals is somewhat akin to training children.驯养宠畜与教育孩子有些相像。This game is closely akin to hockey.这项运动与曲棍球非常相似。To break your promise to him would be akin to betraying your friendship.违背对他的承诺几乎就是背叛你们的友谊。My friend's feelings are akin to mine.我那位朋友的感受和我相近。Something akin to panic overwhelmed him.一种类似惊恐的感觉使他不知所措。The two languages are closely akin.这两种语言非常相似。The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy.这里的政治情形更像是专制而非民主。She was wearing something akin to a pineapple on her head.她头上戴着有点儿像菠萝的东西。This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.这个过程和拼图相似。The shell parted and something akin to a giant white worm began to wiggle out.贝壳张开了,出现了一个巨大的白色肉虫模样的东西,开始向外蠕动。I looked at him with something akin to panic.我多少有些恐慌地看他。He is near akin to us.他和我们是近亲。It was with a feeling akin to despair that I realized the car was not going to start.当我意识到汽车发动不起来的时候,我的心情近乎绝望。Your cousins are closely akin to you.你的堂表兄弟姐妹与你是近亲。It's a language closely akin to Arabic, and most Syrians would understand it.这种语言和阿拉伯语非常接近,大多数叙利亚人都能懂。Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel.听他的人生故事犹如阅读一本精彩的冒险小说。A balalaika is an instrument somewhat akin to a guitar.巴拉莱卡琴是一种有点儿类似吉他的乐器。He saw his role as akin to that of a football club chairman.他认为他的职责类似于足球俱乐部的主席。The two languages are closely akin to one another.这两种语言非常相似。




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