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词汇 moderate
例句 The sun's rays, in moderate quantities, are important for health.适量的阳光对健康很重要。Her conqueror, Senator Pete Wilson, is a diffident, moderate man.击败她的参议员皮特·威尔逊是一个谦卑的温和派人士。Even moderate amounts of alcohol can be dangerous.喝酒即使不多也会有危险。She was on the moderate wing of the party.她属于该党的温和派。The hotel offers comfortable rooms at moderate prices.这家旅店房间舒适,价格适中。The article was moderate in tone.那篇文章基调温和。He believes that moderate drinking is healthy.他认为适度饮酒有益健康。There's little debate about the health benefits of moderate exercise.对于适度运动的健康益处几乎毫无争议。The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms.新的中右翼政府经常以温和的语言表述其激进的目标。Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.如果考虑的另一选择是军事干预,你就会发现实施制裁不算是一项过分的行动。The country's export growth will moderate.该国的出口增长将会放慢。She expressed herself in moderate language.她用温和的语言表达了自己的意见。He became the mouthpiece of the moderate leadership.他成为温和派领导的代言人。The group is in need of more moderate voices. 这一组织需要更多温和的建言者。Her doctor recommended moderate exercise.医生建议她适度运动。She had been told to moderate her tone.有人告诉她语气要温和。There were moderate levels of chemicals in the lake.这条湖的化学物质含量中等。His views are quite moderate.他的观点相当温和。The new church leaders are more moderate in their plans for reform.新的教会领导人在制定改革计划时更为稳健。Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements.大多数药物要么不能使病情真正好转,要么最多只能带来轻微的改善。The president may have to moderate his stance on tax cuts.总统可能被迫在消减税收方面缓和自己的立场。The threat of unemployment persuades workers to moderate their pay demands.工人们害怕失业,只好对工资降格以求。Cook the spinach over a moderate heat.用中火煮菠菜。Recent studies show that moderate amounts of alcohol are beneficial to health.最近的研究表明,适量饮酒对身体有好处。The hotel is moderate in its charges.这家饭店收费适中。The party's moderate leadership wants open relations with the West.该党温和的领导层想与西方建立公开的关系。We had to ask Joan to moderate her language in front of the kids.我们不得不叫琼在孩子们面前说话温和一点。Place the saucepan over moderate heat until the cider is very hot but not boiling.把炖锅置于中火上加热,直到苹果酒变得很烫,但不要加热到沸腾。He holds moderate opinions.他的意见稳健不偏激。The large number of moderate earthquakes that have occurred recently could presage a larger quake soon.最近多次发生中等强度的地震预示着可能很快就会发生更强烈的地震。The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.排骨要用中火炸以防炸糊了。A moderate amount of stress can be beneficial.适度的压力是有益的。The protesters have been unwilling to moderate their demands.抗议者一直不愿意降低要求。The party includes both extremely conservative and moderate members.这个政党内同时有极端保守派和温和派成员。The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.肉块应该用文火烹煮,以免烧过了头。He is well-known as a moderate in the party.他是这一党派中出名的温和派。Most of these medicines relieve mild to moderate pain.这些药物大多可缓解轻到中度的疼痛。He was a radical when he was young, but now he's much more moderate.他年轻时是个激进分子,但现在温和多了。Gilmore had to perform the difficult balancing act of attracting moderate voters without losing his conservative base.吉尔摩不得不辛辛苦苦地两面讨好,既要吸引温和派的选民,又不能失去他在保守党里的支持基础。




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