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词汇 蘑菇
例句 Wash and slice the mushrooms.蘑菇清洗干净切片。He was able to correctly identify the mushroom.他能准确识别蘑菇Add the onions and garlic first, then the mushrooms.先加洋葱和大蒜,然后加蘑菇There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly.这两种蘑菇看起来似乎都无害,实际上却是致命的。Can you distinguish toadstools from mushrooms?你能区别毒蕈和蘑菇吗? Mushrooms are best when fried in olive oil.蘑菇用橄榄油炒最好。I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious.我可以向您推荐蘑菇汁鸡肉——这道菜非常可口。She was sitting at the kitchen table picking over a pile of mushrooms.她坐在餐桌边,仔细挑拣着一堆蘑菇Some mushrooms are poisonous.有些蘑菇是有毒的。The book describes which mushrooms are safe to eat and which are not.这本书讲述了哪些蘑菇可以安全食用,哪些不能。The fish was served with a delicate mushroom sauce.这鱼配了清淡可口的蘑菇酱。Remove the mushrooms and set them aside.蘑菇挑出来放到边上。Slice the mushrooms thinly and fry in butter.蘑菇切成薄片,用黄油煎一下。Mushrooms grew there in great abundance.那里生长着大量蘑菇Are these mushrooms edible?这些蘑菇可以吃吗?This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.这种蘑菇看上去无害,但是外表不一定可信,其实它毒性很大。There are so many different sorts of mushrooms.有这么多不同种类的蘑菇Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous.有些蘑菇貌似无害,但实际上有毒。Add the mushrooms and whizz them until smooth.加入蘑菇,然后搅拌到均匀为止。These white mushrooms are edible.这些白蘑菇可以食用。We unearthed thousands of mushrooms and puffballs.我们挖出了上千个蘑菇和马勃菌。Watch out, those mushrooms could be poisonous!小心!那些蘑菇可能有毒!She topped the pizza with cheese and mushrooms.她在比萨饼上面放了一层奶酪和蘑菇Slice up the mushrooms and fry them.蘑菇切成片,然后油炸。Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms.将配料搅拌均匀浇在蘑菇上。Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical, contain deadly poisons.有些蘑菇可以食用,而另一些虽然看上去几乎一模一样,却含有致命的毒素。Some mushrooms are extremely poisonous.有些蘑菇有剧毒。This sauce uses mushroom as its seasoning.这调味酱用蘑菇作调料。Mushrooms, toadstools and mildew are all fungi.蘑菇、蕈与白霉都是菌类植物。As we walked along, we kept our eyes open for mushrooms.往前走的时候,我们仔细地寻找着蘑菇Chop the mushrooms and quarter the tomatoes.蘑菇切成丁,再把西红柿切成四瓣。Compounds derived from mushrooms could have a hugely beneficial influence on the way cancer is treated.蘑菇中提取的化合物能有效地治疗癌症。The mushrooms are similar in appearance to poisonous one, so you have to be careful.这种蘑菇样子很像有毒蘑菇,所以你得小心。The mushrooms have a meaty texture.这种蘑菇有肉的口感。Mushrooms aren't truly vegetables, but many people think they are.严格地讲,蘑菇并不是蔬菜,但许多人却认为是。Wipe the mushrooms clean and thread them on a string.把这些蘑菇擦干净,然后用线穿起来。The mushrooms are sealed in a bag for freshness.蘑菇密封在袋子里保鲜。Exotic mushrooms are a hot commodity.进口蘑菇现在是抢手货。Thread the mushrooms on a string.蘑菇用线串起来。




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