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There's black ice on the roads.路面结了一层薄冰。A glaze of ice on the road is dangerous.路上有一层薄冰是危险的。The pond filmed over with ice.池塘覆盖了一层薄冰。The rain is leaving a thin layer of ice on the roads.雨水使路面结了一层薄冰。The children ventured out on the thin ice and fell through.孩子们冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉了进去。The extremely cold weather encrusted the snow.严寒天气使雪面结起一层薄冰。Drivers should beware of black ice.司机要小心路面上的薄冰。There was a thin layer of ice on the sidewalks.人行道上有一层薄冰。The ship forged ahead through the thin ice.那艘船冲破薄冰前行。Driving conditions are dangerous, with black ice in many areas.路面情况很不安全,很多地区有薄冰。The lake was covered with a thin layer of ice.湖面上覆盖着一层薄冰。There was a coating of ice on the pond.池塘上覆盖着一层薄冰。A skim of ice formed in the ruts.车辙里结了一层薄冰。A film of ice covered the sidewalk.人行道上结了一层薄冰。 |