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Where should we end up but at the dear old Cadogan Hotel.我们最后只能在价格昂贵、历史悠久的卡多根酒店落脚。He settled down for the night.他落脚过夜了。She was in a strange city, with no job and without anywhere to live.她在一个人地生疏的城市里,没有工作,也没有落脚的地方。We went round the town in search of a place to stay.我们在镇上四处寻找落脚的地方。He just blew in, asking for a place to stay.他突然到访,要求有一个落脚的地方。The town is a good base from which to explore this charming corner of Italy.想在意大利的这一美丽的地区寻幽览胜的话,该镇是个不错的落脚地。He settled down there for the night.他在那里落脚过夜。 |