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词汇 crumbs
例句 The government were able to draw a few crumbs of comfort from today's unemployment figures.政府能够从现在的失业人数中得到些许安慰。He swept the crumbs from the table.他清理了桌子上的碎屑。O crumbs! Did he really say that?天哪! 他真的那样说过吗? He was on his knees picking crumbs off the carpet.他正跪在那儿拣地毯上的碎屑。The pie's crust is made with cookie crumbs.馅饼的硬皮是用饼干碎做的。A bird was eating crumbs from her outstretched hand.一只鸟正从她伸出的手中吃面包屑。She wiped the crumbs off the table with a brush of her hand.她用手拂去了桌上的面包屑。Coat the fish in bread crumbs before frying it.煎鱼之前先将鱼身裹上一层面包屑。She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dustpan.她正在厨房把面包屑扫到簸箕里。He put out crumbs for the birds.他将面包屑放在外面喂鸟儿。He didn't even leave any crumbs on his plate.他的盘子里连一点儿渣都没有剩。The government were able to draw a few crumbs of comfort from today's unemployment figures.政府能够从现在的失业数据中得到些许安慰。He brushed the biscuit crumbs from his jacket.他拂去夹克衫上的饼干屑。She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform.她站起身来把面包屑从制服上拂去。He brushed the crumbs away with a sweep of his hand.他用手一拂就把碎屑清除掉了。The maid brushed the crumbs from the table.女佣拂去桌上的面包屑。The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast.那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。He ate doughnuts in the car, powdering the seats with sugar and crumbs.他在汽车里吃甜甜圈,将糖和面包屑撒在了座位上。I whisked the crumbs off the table.我把碎屑从桌上拂去。She brushed the cake crumbs off the table.她把蛋糕屑从桌子上拂去。There were crumbs and grains of sugar on the table.桌子上有面包屑和糖粒。I'll just get a sponge and wipe the crumbs off the table.我这就去找块海绵把桌子上的碎屑擦掉。I swept away the crumbs.我把碎屑清扫掉了。He gave me a few crumbs of information about the writer.他为我提供了有关这位作家的一些情况。She brushed away the crumbs with a quick stroke.她手一掸就把碎屑挥落了。The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.鸟儿啄食面包屑。He swept the crumbs from under the table.他把桌子底下的食物碎渣扫走了。Cameron quickly swallowed his coffee and bread, and wiped the crumbs from his mouth.卡梅伦飞快地咽下咖啡和面包,然后擦掉嘴边的碎屑。Some cake crumbs had been trodden into the carpet.一些蛋糕屑被踩进了地毯。She bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.她咬了一口面包卷,面包屑散落下来。He brushed the crumbs from his jacket.他刷去夹克上的食物碎屑。The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs.这位主妇把干面包捣成碎屑。She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan.她正在厨房把面包屑扫入簸箕里。She brushed some cake crumbs off her lap.她拂去了腿上的一些蛋糕屑。One bird was bold enough to come and peck crumbs from the table.有只鸟胆子很大,飞过来啄桌上的面包屑。Put a plate under your chin to catch the crumbs.拿只盘子放在下巴下面接住屑粒。The waitress flicked the crumbs off the tablecloth.女服务员把面包渣从桌布上拂去。I stood up, brushing crumbs from my trousers.我站起来,掸掉裤子上的碎屑。Ella brushed the crumbs off her jacket.埃拉掸去她外衣上的面包屑。I brushed the crumbs off the sofa.我把沙发上的食物碎屑刷掉。




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