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词汇 same way
例句 It's unfair of you to judge all young people in the same way.对年轻人都持一样的看法,这是有失公允的。Computers communicate information in much the same way as roads connect cities.计算机传递信息的方式与道路连接城市的方式大致相同。Her father would be thinking exactly the same way were their positions reversed.要是她跟自己父亲易地相处的话,父亲将会有同样想法的。I try to be nice to everyone, and in the same way, I expect everyone to be nice to me.我努力善待每一个人,同样,我也希望大家能善待我。We try to treat all the children in the same way.我们尽量对所有孩子一视同仁。The warranty would cover the electric car's battery pack in much the same way that gasoline engines are protected.保证书对电动车电池组的质保范围和汽油引擎的基本相同。She feels the same way, I expect.我想,她也有同样的感受。Stack the books so that all the spines are facing the same way.把这些书按书脊朝同一面摞好。All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.这种鸟生来都会以同一种方式筑巢。Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.像泡茶一样用沸水冲泡这种饮料。The second verse is sung the same way as the first.歌曲的第二段与第一段唱法相同。Can the human race carry on expanding and growing the same way that it is now?人类能继续像目前这样扩张和增长下去吗?Scientists were developing the capability to forecast ocean conditions in the same way as meteorologists forecast weather.科学家们正在设法预测海洋状况,就像气象学家预测天气那样。Youngsters who dabble should not be treated in the same way as hardened criminal pushers.偶沾毒品的年轻人不应该和屡教不改的毒贩受到同等对待。Both men were murdered the same way.两人以同一方式被杀害。Plants are classified in much the same way as animals.植物分类的方式和动物的分类方式差不多。There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。His remarks reflect a widespread worry that Canada may be going the same way as the US.他的评论反映普遍的担心:加拿大也许会走跟美国一样的道路。Sheep's milk is produced in much the same way as goat's milk.绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。I wonder if that would collocate in the same way.我想知道那是否能够以同样的方式搭配在一起。Shakespeare did not always spell his own name the same way.莎士比亚不总是用同样的拼法拼写自己的名字。My friend and I see things the same way.我朋友和我对问题的看法一样。A woman who behaves promiscuously is called a slut, but a man who behaves the same way is admiringly called a stud.行为放荡的女人被称为淫妇,同样的男人却被誉为情圣。The courts ought to treat black and white defendants in exactly the same way.法庭应当对黑人和白人被告一视同仁。People don't look after other people's property in the same way as they look after their own.人们是不会像照管自己的房产那样照管别人的房产的。Now that I think of it, I acted the same way when I was his age.我记得我在他这个年纪也是这样的。She was offended that we did not look at the matter the same way.我们对那事的看法和她不同,她为此而生气。All cheeses are made in basically the same way.所有的奶酪基本上都是相同的做法。I'd bet most people feel the same way.我确信大多数人对此有同感。We came back the same way we went.我们循去时的原路回来。He remembered that he had felt just the same way when he first started working.他想起了他刚开始工作时就有过一样的感觉。I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.我希望我所写的内容能对其他和我有同感的人有所裨益。She doesn't like to mix her professional and personal lives, and, in the same way, I intend to keep my home life private.她不喜欢把职业和个人生活混为一谈,同样地,我倾向于对我的家庭生活保密。




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