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词汇 crumbling
例句 The wall was crumbling where children had climbed over.这堵墙孩子们爬过的地方快崩坍了。Some of the tiles are crumbling around the edges.有一些瓷砖的边缘碎裂了。Her flat was in a crumbling Victorian monstrosity.她的公寓位于一栋摇摇欲坠的维多利亚时代的丑陋建筑中。Even the stonework on the old house was decayed and crumbling.甚至这幢老房子的石造部分也已破败崩落了。Cracks, bulges, crumbling pointing and damp patches mean trouble.裂缝、凸起、剥落的勾缝和湿斑都意味着存在问题。Much of Britain's coastline is crumbling away.英国的大部分海岸线正在遭受侵蚀。Tourists wandered through the crumbling remains of an ancient Greek temple.游客在一座古希腊庙宇的废墟间漫步。More money is needed to save the crumbling infrastructure of the nation's rural areas.需要更多的资金来拯救这个国家农村地区日渐破旧的基础设施。Elvira lived on a street of old townhouses with crumbling façades.埃尔维拉住在一条两边都是旧排屋的大街上,排屋临街的一面已经破烂不堪。The old stonework was crumbling away.这座老石头房子开始崩塌。His influence was crumbling away.他的影响在逐渐消失。The starter was absolutely wonderful: crumbling pastry, tender bits of chicken liver.这道开胃菜绝对好吃:油酥面皮配嫩鸡肝片。What was once a house was now a crumbling heap of rubble.以前的房子现在成了一堆破砖碎瓦。The government seemed powerless, unable to prevent its weak economy from crumbling further.政府显得很软弱,无法阻止其低迷的经济进一步崩溃。It was decided to buttress the crumbling walls.人们决定建造扶壁以支撑将要倒塌的墙。The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling.墓碑长满了地衣,已在崩落。The bathroom is not a pretty sight. The wallpaper's peeling, the tiles are crumbling.浴室破旧不堪。墙纸剥落了,瓷砖也裂了。Nestling amongst the magnificent hills were the crumbling ruins of an old monastery.壮丽的山峦中,一座倾颓的古老寺院隐约可见。Support for the government is crumbling.对政府的支持日渐减少。The country's infrastructure is crumbling because of inadequate investment.该国基础设施因为投资不足而日益破损。The traditional marriage is crumbling fast.传统婚姻正迅速消失。Hidden under vines and moss, the crumbling wall was almost indiscernible.在藤蔓和苔藓的遮掩下,几乎看不到那堵危墙。The crumbling ruins bear mute testament to the ravages of war.颓垣断壁无言地诉说着战争的创伤。




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