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词汇 营地
例句 After you've been riding a bike all day, you're really glad to reach your campsite.骑了一整天的车,到达营地时你会非常高兴。We should start back to the camp before it gets dark.我们应该在天黑之前动身返回营地Vultures circled in slow spirals above the camp.兀鹫在营地上空缓慢盘旋。We set up a relay to carry buckets of water to the campsite.我们建立起一个运水系统,为营地送去了一桶桶水。The camp was half a day's march away.到达营地需要走半天的时间。The major general ranks at this camp.少将是这个营地的最高级军官。College students work at a camp for kids from the inner city, leading craft activities and sports competitions.大学生们在一个为来自旧城区的儿童组织的活动营地里工作,带领他们做手工艺活,进行体育比赛。A pestilential fever spread through the camp.一种致命的热病在营地传染开来。Gunmen stood guard at the camp entrance.持枪歹徒把守着营地的入口。He canoed down the river to the camp.他划着独木舟顺流而下去了营地The first load of supplies will be arriving at the camp next week.第一批物资将于下周送达营地The camp offered bicycle tours, river rafting, fishing, and hiking.营地提供自行车游览、河流漂流、钓鱼和登山活动。William did his best to maintain an easy-going, friendly relationship with everyone at camp.威廉尽量与营地的每个人保持轻松友好的关系。Living conditions at the camp were intolerable.营地的生活条件不堪忍受。The camp was used for military manoeuvres.这个营地被用于军事演习。We came to the conclusion that there was no other way back to the camp.我们得出的结论是 没有其他回营地的路。Around the camps there was always the pungent order of kerosene burning human waste.营地周围总有一股煤油焚烧人的粪便所产生的刺鼻气味。The soldiers raced toward the unprotected camp.士兵们冲向未设防的营地The conditions in the camp are just awful.营地的条件简直太差了。As our leader, she was like a drill sergeant crossed with a camp counselor.我们的领队既是教官又是营地辅导员。The raccoons rifled all the food in the camp.浣熊窃走了营地的全部食品。Often, the camps were not very sanitary.营地里常常不太卫生。The author paints a disturbing picture of life in the camp.作者展现了营地里令人烦恼的生活。Camp counselors are mother figures to many of the girls at the camp.在参加夏令营的很多姑娘眼里,营地辅导员都像妈妈一样慈爱。The soldiers were confined to camp.士兵们只能在营地活动。He stationed the guards around the camp.他派卫兵驻扎在营地周围。He ordered the army to recapture the camp at any cost.他命令军队不惜一切代价夺回营地The animals were drawn to the campsite by the smell of food.营地食物的香味把许多动物吸引来了。The campsite is close to all local amenities.营地靠近当地所有的便利设施。An animal peered out from the woods next to their camp.他们营地旁边的树林里,一只野兽向外窥探。We're staying at Lake St Clair Wilderness Park, a mixture of self-contained cabins and tent sites.我们待在圣克莱尔湖野生公园里,这里既有设备齐全的棚屋,也有帐篷营地They set up camp on the verge of the desert.他们在沙漠边缘扎下了营地The camp was surrounded by a high fence.营地四周竖着高高的栅栏。The rebels have been pinned down in a camp to the south of the river.叛乱分子已被火力压制在河南岸的营地里。Two new camps were readied for the absorption of refugees.为收容难民又备好了两个新营地I started back down the mountain to camp.我开始下山返回营地They plotted the attack in retaliation for the attack by federal agents on the camp.他们策划了这次袭击行动以报复联邦探员进攻他们的营地If you keep fooling around that gun you'll be leaving this camp feet first.如果你还要瞎摆弄那支枪,就得横着离开这个营地了。We were quartered in log cabins at the camp.我们被临时安排在营地的小木屋里居住。Dog patrols had been intensified around the camp's perimeter.营地周围携带警犬的巡逻队加强了。




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