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词汇 闻起来
例句 The air smelled clean and fresh after the smoky little hut.从冒烟的小屋出来后,空气闻起来干净而清新。The fish you bought doesn't smell right. 你买的这条鱼闻起来不新鲜了。The room smelled musty and stale.这个房间闻起来有股发霉的陈味儿。This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off?这熏猪肉闻起来有点怪怪的——你觉得它是不是变质了?Dick had cooked a special stew, which looked and smelled revolting.迪克烧了一个特别的炖锅菜,看上去和闻起来都恶心。It smells like dung.这东西闻起来像粪。There's something in the fridge that smells mouldy.冰箱里有东西闻起来发霉了。This milk doesn't smell very nice.这种牛奶闻起来味道不太好。The substance smells like fresh soil.这种物质闻起来像清新土壤的气息。That soup smells good.那汤闻起来很香。These perfumes have warmth and sensuality.这些香水闻起来有一种温暖和魅惑。The milk smells a bit iffy.这牛奶闻起来有点儿不对劲。The water was dirty and smelled yucky.这水很脏,闻起来很恶心。The bread smells delicious.这面包闻起来香气扑鼻。The sauce was pleasingly thick and savoury.调味汁又浓又香,闻起来非常诱人。It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.它会让头发闻起来清新、芳香,令人愉悦。If the sprouts smell mouldy or acidic do not eat them.如果芽儿闻起来有霉味或酸味,就不要吃了。That bread smells nice.那面包闻起来不错。Aah, the food smells wonderful!啊,这食物闻起来真香!This cheese doesn't smell right.这干酪闻起来不对劲。The cream smells sour.奶油闻起来馊了Dinner smells delicious.晚餐闻起来很美味。It still smelled new, of green concrete and timber and paint.闻起来仍是新的,是新浇混凝土、木材和油漆的味道。In the hot sun the rain-washed herbs smelled sharp and spicy and sweet all at once.烈日下,被雨水冲刷过的香草闻起来既冲又香气扑鼻。The soup tastes/smells good.这汤尝起来/闻起来不错。Something in the closet smells a little funky.壁橱里什么东西闻起来怪怪的。It tasted OK but the smell was a bit off-putting.这东西尝起来味道还行,但闻起来却让人有点不舒服。The room smelled clean and fresh.房间闻起来洁净清新。The room smelled damp.这房间闻起来有潮气。




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