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词汇 营养
例句 Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk.营养方面来说,婴儿配方奶粉和母乳几乎一样。This meal may not fit your taste, but it contains many nutrients.这顿饭也许不合你的胃口,但它却含有许多营养All the goodness of an egg is in the yolk.蛋的营养在蛋黄里。Herbal supplements are unregulated in the U.S.植物营养补充剂在美国是不受监管的。A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.健康的饮食应该提供所有必需的营养Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories.脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量。The boy needs feeding up.那个男孩需要多吃营养的食物。A stick of celery does not provide much sustenance.一把芹菜提供不了多少营养All the goodness has been boiled out of the vegetables.蔬菜的全部营养都给煮掉了。Sugar gives quick relief to hunger but provides no lasting nourishment.糖能快速缓解饥饿感,但不能提供持久的营养Exercise and good nutrition are a shield against disease. 锻炼和充足的营养保护你远离疾病。Even if I'm overstating the case for nutrition, at least it will result in the woman being in charge of her own symptoms.即便我夸大了营养的重要性,但至少它会让这个女人知道关注自己的症状。There is no finesse to my cooking, but I do produce tasty nutritious meals.我做饭没什么妙招,但我确实能够做出可口营养的饭菜。The spread of the roots is decisive for the nutritional uptake of the plant.根的伸展对植物的营养摄取是有决定性意义的。Their hens provide them with delicious and nutritious eggs.他们养的母鸡为他们供应了美味又营养的鸡蛋。Good nutrition is important for proper muscle development.良好的营养对于肌肉生长很重要。Caribou is both nourishing and delicious in raw form.北美驯鹿肉生吃,既富有营养,又味道鲜美。Good nutrition is very important to a developing child.良好的营养对正在发育的儿童是很重要的。There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat.存在替代肉类的其他营养来源。Tracy gives her children vitamin pills to supplement their diet.特蕾西给孩子们服用维生素药片以补充他们饮食中的营养Full-spectrum light or sunlight is vitally nourishing to us.全光谱光线或阳光为我们提供维持生命的营养Fast-growing trees remove nutrients and impoverish the soil.速生林吸收了营养使土地贫瘠。Workers in very dusty areas are given extra wages for nutritional relief.在多尘埃地区工作的工人被给予附加工资作为营养补助。Bread is a poor substitute for a varied diet of more nutritious foods.面包无法替代营养更加丰富的多样化膳食。You need more nutrients in your diet.你的日常饮食需要加强营养A balanced diet is important in nutrition.营养角度说,各种食品搭配均衡是重要的。Many tasty and nutritious meals can be rustled up in next to no time.转眼之间就能准备好很多营养可口的饭菜。The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs.营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您每天减掉一磅体重。Try to get into good habits and eat regular healthy meals.尽量养成好习惯,吃饭要定时、讲营养Nutritional information can be found on the side of the box.营养信息可以在盒子的侧面找到。When foods from different plant sources are eaten together, deficiency in one is compensated for by sufficiency in another.不同蔬果类食物一起吃的话,在一种中缺乏的营养可以从另一种含量丰富的食物中补充。Very little absorption of nutrients takes place in the stomach.胃部对营养的吸收甚少。To obtain the nutrients you need, vary the foods you eat.为获得身体所需的营养,要吃各种不同的食物。I'm not a cook myself but I am interested in nutrition and that.我本人不是厨师,但对营养之类的事很感兴趣。As in all experimental sciences, we still do not know everything about nutrition.与所有实验科学一样,我们仍然没有完全了解营养的全过程。Poor assimilation of vitamins and nutrients can cause health problems.对维生素和营养的吸收不良均可能导致健康问题。Vegetarians reject the idea that you must eat meat to get all the nutrients you need.素食主义者不相信要获取全面的营养就必须吃肉的想法。Practicing good nutrition can be an important safeguard against cancer.保证好营养是预防癌症的重要方法。Weight loss can be achieved by balancing a healthy level of physical activity with eating a nutritious diet.减轻体重可以通过适当锻炼和营养用餐之间达成平衡来实现。He had never given nutrition a passing thought.他一刻也没有想过营养问题。




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