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This raised hopes for a breakthrough in Mideast peacemaking.这让人们觉得中东冲突的调停有望取得突破。This new drug may revolutionize cancer treatment.这种新药也许能使癌症治疗取得突破性进展。Scientists are on the threshold of a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.科学家在治疗那种疾病方面很快就要取得突破。It is possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in breaking through into parliament.在这次选举中可能会有一些少数党派取得突破而进入议会。The police have announced a breakthrough in the murder case.警方宣布谋杀案调查取得突破性进展。God willing, there will be a breakthrough.如果一切顺利,将会取得突破性的进展。 |