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词汇 花草
例句 Flowerbeds and tubs are banked with summer bedding plants.花坛和花盆内长满了高高的夏令花草Our plants didn't grow very well this year, but yours look really good.我们种的花草今年长得不是很好,可你们的看起来长得确实好。She bought a house with a big yard so that she could indulge her passion for gardening.她买了一幢带大院子的房屋,以便满足自己摆弄花草的爱好。As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around the overgrown garden.取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。The fields were lush with grass and flowers.田野里花草繁茂。He loved gardening. He went at it hammer and tongs as soon as he got back from work.他酷爱侍弄花草。只要下班一回到家,他就兴冲冲地忙活起来。He might be doing a spot of gardening if the weather is fine.天气晴朗的话,他也许会侍弄侍弄花草Turn the pot if the plants show signs of bending towards the light.如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。I'm over 60 now and only fit for gardening and sleeping in a chair.我已过花甲,只能侍弄侍弄花草,躺在椅子上睡会儿觉了。He enjoyed a potter in the garden.他享受在花园里摆弄花草的悠闲时光。I led Lee around the overgrown garden.我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。Next door to us lived a batty old lady who used to have long conversations with her plants.我们的隔壁住着一位古怪的老妇人,她常常和自己种的花草谈个没完。The old flower and fruit market has been put up for sale.旧的花草水果市场已开始求售了。If your garden is overflowing, be a good neighbor and spread the wealth. 如果你的花园花草太多了,那就做个好邻居与他人共享吧。Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist.定期浇灌花草,使土壤保持湿润。It's easy to grow your own plants - all you need is a little time and patience.种植花草很简单—需要的只是一点点时间和耐心。The place boasts a beautiful botanical garden with plants from all over the world.那地方有个美丽的植物园,里面种著来自世界各地的树木花草The dog hurtled through the garden, leaving a trail of crushed plants.那只狗飞奔着穿过花园,使花草倒了一路。On those rare occasions when she had leisure she pottered in her new garden.难得有空的时候,她就在自己的新花园里摆弄花草You could spend the day doing the garden, cleaning the windows and suchlike.你可以在花园里弄弄花草,擦擦窗户,或做些类似的事情打发一天。The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants.这本书提供了一些关于如何照料室内花草的有用信息。All garden waste should be composted and returned to the garden.应该把花园里所有枯萎的花草制成堆肥,然后再用它们给花园施肥。You should water plants either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.你要么早上起来给花草浇水,要么临睡之前浇。




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