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词汇 色情
例句 So much modern fiction is full of sex and violence.有太多的现代小说充满了色情和暴力。The movie dishes up a wild mix of sex and violence.这部影片是色情和暴力的荒诞组合。I suppose it's a matter of opinion whether it is art or pornography.这究竟是艺术还是色情,我想是见仁见智的问题。Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism.马斯内的作品里弥漫着色情的味道。Both songs are in danger of being banned for their sexy, insinuating lyrics.两首歌都因歌词具有色情暗示而面临被禁的危险。There's too much sex in the film.这电影里色情场面太多。The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography.大多数父母认为使用因特网最可怕的是他们的孩子将接触到色情内容。The magazine caters for every taste, from raunchy to purely chaste.这本杂志迎合了从色情到纯情的不同品味。There's too much violence and smut on TV these days.如今电视上暴力和色情太多了。There are no warm passages in this book.这本书中无色情段落。He was accused of making obscene phone calls.他被指控打色情骚扰电话。The song's title is a double entendre.这首歌的歌名是一个带色情含义的双关语。There were some overtly erotic scenes in the movie.影片中有一些露骨的色情场面。The play's eroticism shocked audiences when it was first performed.该剧最初上演时,其色情场面使观众大为震惊。He admitted possessing nude photographs, but denied they were pornographic.他承认拥有一些裸照,但否认是色情的。They're into porn and kinky sex.他们热衷于色情和变态性行为。Legislation is needed to stop the spread of computer pornography.阻止电脑色情的传播需要立法。The film is shot seductively, erotically.这部电影拍摄得很有诱惑性,很色情Erotic images are often more sexually stimulating to men than to women.色情影像在性方面对男性的刺激作用大于女性。She doesn't like all the sex and violence in movies.她不喜欢电影中充斥的色情和暴力镜头。A number of scenes in the film were very erotic.这部电影有些镜头很色情Slash fiction is very popular on the Internet.同性色情同人小说在网络上非常流行。His new novel is advertised as his steamiest yet.他的新小说被宣传为他迄今为止最为色情的一部。They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence and sex on TV.他们认为让儿童接触暴力和色情电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为。The movie is just a lot of sex, violence, and dirty words.那部电影只不过是色情、暴力和粗话的大杂烩。His latest production is a steamy thriller set in Hong Kong.他最近的一部作品是以香港为背景的色情淫荡片。Almost all of Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism.几乎所有马斯内的作品都弥漫着色情的味道。He insisted these photographs were not art but obscenity.他坚称这些照片不是艺术,而是色情




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