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词汇 航海
例句 The Lebanese were a seafaring people.黎巴嫩人曾是一个航海民族。The crew will attempt to retrace the last voyage of Captain Cook.这艘船的船员将试着重走库克船长的最后一次航海路线。Your compass and clock are the most essential instruments in sailing.指南针和时钟是航海时最基本的测量仪表。Clearly, the early inhabitants of Australia had learnt complex techniques of navigation and mapping.显然,澳大利亚的早期居民已学会复杂的航海和地图绘制技术。They voyaged to distant lands.他们航海去了远方。I can remember the first time I went sailing - it was a wonderful sensation.我还记得第一次航海的时候——那种感觉真是太棒了。His life was never the same after he discovered sailing. 他发现航海的乐趣之后,生活从此变了样。It takes experience to work up a knowledge of sailing.掌握航海知识要靠实际经验。We quickly mastered the basic fundamentals of navigation.我们很快掌握了航海的基本要领。Many people sickened and died on the long voyage.在漫长的航海中,很多人得病死去I love to sail because it makes me feel so alive.我热爱航海,因为它让我感到充满活力。This really is the Everest of sailing.这确实是航海界的顶峰。Sailing is not so much a science as an art. 与其说航海是门科学,不如说是门艺术。Fickle winds made sailing conditions difficult.风向不定增加了航海的难度。He dreamt that he was at sea.他梦见他在航海The theories are dismissed by a number of nautical authorities.这些理论为一些航海权威们所屏弃。He doubted the ship's seaworthiness.他怀疑这艘船是否适合航海His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson.他的航海教练在一次训练课时从船上失足跌入水中,溺水身亡。He writes about the dangers as well as the enchantments of sailing.他写了航海的危险和令人着迷之处。When I first started sailing, it took me a while to get my sea legs.我刚开始航海时,花了好长时间才做到不晕船。Paul was interested in sailing in a big way.保罗对航海特别感兴趣。His hobby is sailing.他的业余爱好是航海She's really keen on sailing.她确实对航海很着迷。He wrote about his many voyages into the South Seas.他把自己多次在南半球航海的经历都记录了下来。The British are a sea-going race.英国人是个航海的民族。The idea of sailing became an obsession.航海的念头成了一种强迫观念。A passion for sailing got into him.他一心一意要去航海His interest in sailing is purely academic. He's not a sailor himself.他对航海的兴趣完全是纸上谈兵,他自己不是水手。Her ancestors were great sea captains.她的祖上是了不起的航海船长。David learned sailing from his father.大卫跟他父亲学习航海The typhoon forbade sea voyages.台风来了,无法航海In summer I like to go sailing in Long Island.在夏天,我喜欢去长岛航海He's a dab at sailing.他是个航海熟手。You'll be risking your neck if you go sailing in this weather.如果你想在这种天气去航海,你将冒生命危险。The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.这家博物馆收藏了一批令人着迷的各式航海珍宝。He would often reminisce about his first experience of the sea.他经常缅怀第一次航海经历。Britain has always been a seafaring nation.英国一直是一个航海的民族。He will be competing in the London-Calais-London race.他将参加伦敦至加来的航海往返赛。He kept up a steady, one-sided conversation about the joys of sailing.他一个人不紧不慢地讲述着航海的快乐。We decided, more or less on a whim, to sail to Morocco.我们多少有点心血来潮,决定航海去摩洛哥。




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