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例句 For the stiffening, use either buckram or a modern self-adhesive stiffener.至于硬衬,可以用硬麻布或新式的自粘衬布。Kitty's got so thin. And as for Carl, he always seems to be ill.姬蒂变得很瘦,至于卡尔,他似乎一直病歪歪的。I feel that there's a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don't think that's a very good idea at all.我觉得给警员的压力太大了。至于让他们佩枪,我并不认为是一个明智之举。Speculation was rife as to who would be chosen as a successor.至于谁将成为继任者,各种猜测很多。As for his job — well, he was very mysterious about it.至于他的工作,他总是显得非常神秘,从不多说。As far as money's concerned, there shouldn't be a problem.至于钱,应该没有问题。There's no room for doubt as to who did this.至于谁做的这件事,没有什么好怀疑的。As to whether you should marry him - that's for you to decide.至于你该不该嫁给他,这得由你自己决定。Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision.至于你昨天说的话,我觉得你作的决定是对的。As regards the current year, it is early days to express any considered opinion.至于今年,现在要说出一个成熟的意见还为时过早。I'm willing to read this book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter.我愿意读一读这本书,至于出版这本书,那是另一回事了。With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.至于你的要求,我还不能同意。For dessert, serve strawberries covered in thick sweet cream.至于甜点,就上浇着浓甜奶油的草莓吧。There seems to be some doubt as to what warnings were given.至于接到的警报是什么,好像有点不确定。I, for my part, totally agree with you.至于我,我完全同意你的看法。As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will.至于你父亲,我的遗嘱里不会提到他的名字。You can ask the others, but as for myself, I'll be busy in the office.你可以去问问别人,至于我嘛,就在办公室里忙呗。As to where we'll get the money from, we'll talk about that later.至于到哪儿去搞到这笔钱,我们以后再说吧。As for The Deer Hunter's combat sequences, these relate only tangentially to Vietnam.至于《猎鹿人》中的战争镜头,只是表面上与越南有关。It is just the luck of the draw as to who gets on the show.至于谁会出演则全靠运气。We're giving the medical center a free hand as to how it spends the money.至于经费如何使用,我们放手让医疗中心自行决定。As regards the potential energy crisis – why aren't we putting money into serious alternative sources of energy?至于潜在的能源危机问题,我们为什么不能投入资金去开发一些重要的可替代能源呢?So as for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no.至于你的问题,迈尔斯,答案仍旧是否定的。That kind of person likes to spend money, it doesn't matter whose it is.那种人喜欢花钱,至于钱是谁的并不重要。In my case I chose that course which I considered right.至于我呢,就选择了我认为正确的那条路线。As to where to go, they haven't decided yet.至于去哪里,他们还没有决定。For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。As regards money, I have enough.至于钱,我有的是。For my return journey, I felt I could afford the extra and travel first class.至于回程,我觉得我能多花点钱坐头等舱。As for the cost, you don't need to worry on that score.至于费用,你不需要为这个问题操心。As for you, I refuse to have any dealings with you.至于你,我不想跟你打任何交道。He had nothing to say apropos of the latest developments.至于最新的进展,他没有什么要说的。As for physique, nature did not deal her an ideal hand, but she trumped every disadvantage.至于体格,她长得并不理想,但她能克服一切缺憾。Now, about next week's programme – we've had to make a few changes.哦,至于下周的节目,我们不得不作出了一些调整。I will run the best campaign I can, then let the chips fall where they may.我将尽我所能做好竞选活动,至于结果怎样,顺其自然。As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.至于这种疾病的治疗,进展甚微。She could find a job. It hardly mattered what.她能够找到工作,至于什么工作无关紧要。As to how long this war will last, it's an unanswerable question.至于这场战争会持续多久,没有人知道答案。As regards the car, I didn't forget to put an advertisement in the paper.至于那辆车,我没有忘记要在报上登则广告。As for me, I am quite ready to retire.至于我,我已做好了退休的准备。




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