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词汇 自私自利
例句 He kept on about me being selfish.他唠叨个不停,说我自私自利He was opinionated and selfish, but undeniably clever.他虽然固执己见而且自私自利,不过倒确实很聪明。He criticized the selfish attitude of certain sectional interests.他批评了某些利益团体自私自利的态度。It's just self-interest parading as concern for your welfare.这只是假装关心你幸福的自私自利We must be mindful of the consequences of selfishness.我们必须考虑自私自利的后果。Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac.亚当足够聪明,但是他也有点自私自利He's bad-tempered, selfish, and altogether an unpleasant man.他脾气暴躁,自私自利,总之很令人讨厌。The government is cynically running down Swe-den's welfare system.瑞典政府正自私自利地削减本国的福利。Robert is a self-centred, ambitious, and bigoted man.罗伯特是个自私自利、野心勃勃而又顽固不化的家伙。He is an amoral, selfish person pursuing his own goals.他是个不讲道德、自私自利、只顾追求自己目标的人。Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.派系之争和自私自利看来非常普遍。He tends towards selfishness.他有自私自利的倾向。Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority.这种法律的存在只会保护这一小部分自私自利者的特权。Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.苏珊和德博拉一样,都是典型的自私自利、自高自大的人。No one can accuse you of self-interest.没有人能指责你自私自利She's an egoist; she's totally self-centred.她是个自私自利的人,完全以自我为中心。She is a selfish girl.她是个自私自利的女孩。He has been accused of being selfish, and deservedly so. 他被指责自私自利,一点也不冤枉。Fox plays an egocentric movie star.福克斯扮演的是一位自私自利的电影明星。My kids used to scorn my politics as right-wing selfishness.我的子女以前老是鄙视我的政治观点是右翼的自私自利He's a glib, self-centred man.他是个油嘴滑舌、自私自利的人。Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.许多自私自利的经理视员工如草芥。




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