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词汇 自然界
例句 Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear.自然界赋予了这些动物一种不显露恐惧的本领。His team solved the engineering problem by stealing an idea from nature.他的团队从自然界获得灵感,解决了这个工程难题。Watching a lion chase its prey is one of nature's most exciting spectacles.观看狮子追捕猎物是自然界最激动人心的壮观场面之一。Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties.科学家们声称已经发现自然界的某些物质具有抗癌特性。The natural world was an open book to him.他对自然界了如指掌。Almost like an accident of nature, this family has produced more talents than seems possible.真像是一个自然界的意外,虽然似乎不大可能,但是这家人中确实出了这么多的能人。There might have been inbreeding in the wild too.自然界或许也一直存在近交现象。In nature, greys, browns, and dull greens predominate.自然界的主色调是灰色、棕色和暗绿色。The theory of natural selection remains the key to our understanding of the natural world.自然选择的理论仍然是我们理解自然界的关键。She is remarkably incurious about the natural world.她对自然界毫无兴趣。They're fully recognizant that electric shock does not normally occur in nature.他们完全知晓电击现象通常并不发生在自然界You can improve your knowledge of the natural world by study and observation.你可以通过学习和观察来增强对自然界的认识。You can flock a living Christmas tree to achieve the effect of natural snow.你可以用軟材料覆蓋真圣诞树的表面来达到模仿自然界下雪的效果。By teleology is intended the purposefulness of nature.所谓目的论,就是指自然界本身具有目的性。I like living in the country because I'm interested in the natural world.我喜欢住在乡下,因为我对自然界感兴趣。He had an abiding love of the natural world.他对自然界有着一种恒久的热爱。Nature does not provide everything we want.自然界并不提供我们所需要的一切东西。Scientists investigate nature to learn more about it.为了更多地了解自然界,科学家对它进行调查研究。If nature does not provide a thing we want, let us make one ourselves.如果自然界不提供我们所需要的东西,我们就自己来造。His curiosity about the natural world is insatiable.他对自然界的好奇永远无法满足。Any monstrosity or abnormality in nature was significant.自然界的任何畸形或异常之处都有其意义所在。Man has managed to wreak havoc on the delicate balance of nature.人类竟然将自然界的微妙平衡摧毁了。In its natural state all food is provided free by nature.在自然状态下,所有食物都由自然界免费供给。He is interested in the laws of nature.他对自然界法则很有兴趣。The balance of animal populations would be grossly upset very rapidly unless the law of requisite variety held in general throughout nature.除非必要品种规律在整个自然界起支配作用,否则动物种群的平衡就会迅速地被全面打破。She and her husband were brought together by a shared love of the natural world.自然界共同的热爱使她和丈夫走到了一起。I find the natural world endlessly fascinating.我发现自然界有无穷的魅力。Here's another piece of furnishing that seeks inspiration from nature.这里有一件家具,它的设计灵感就来自于自然界If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。People said we were interfering with nature, and that we should just let the animals die.人们说我们是在干涉自然界,还说我们应该任由动物死去。That is a color not found in nature.那是一种自然界里没有的颜色。




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