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词汇 criticize
例句 Keane is not slow to criticize people.基恩指责起别人来积极着呢。I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know.你知道,我这人从来不批评人。Ministers were told not to criticize the policy publicly.部长们被告知不许公开批评这项政策。People in the first flush of love do not like to criticize each other.初涉爱河的人们不喜欢批评对方。It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman.站出来批评董事长需要很大的勇气。We're a group of artists who meet to discuss ideas and criticize each other's work.我们是一帮碰了面就讨论问题、互相评论彼此作品的艺术家。It was tactful of her not to criticize me in front of my boss.她很会做事,没有当着我老板的面批评我。I feel that people are really quick to criticize.我觉得人们很容易指责别人。He didn't complain or criticize, he just got on with the job.他没有发牢骚也没有指责,只是继续工作。Their editorials always criticize the government, whatever it does.他们的社论总是批评政府,不管政府做什么都这样。She idolized her husband and would never criticize him.她非常崇拜自己的丈夫,从不指责他。You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.你吃着她的食物,享受着她的款待,然后还在背地里指责她。Who are we to criticize the French when we do the same thing ourselves?我们自己也这样做,有什么资格指责法国人呢?I did not criticize her acting, inasmuch as I really did not feel competent.我没有去评论她的演技,因为我确实觉得这方面自己并不在行。How can you be so cruel as to criticize her weight?拿她的体重打趣,你怎么能如此伤人呢?It's unprofessional to criticize your colleagues in public.公开批评同事是不合行业规矩的。She doesn't criticize her opponent's character directly. She has her hatchet men in the media do it for her.她不直接抨击对手的人格,而是让她在媒体的雇用诽谤者为她效力。Don't criticize him so much. He's doing the best he can. Why don't you give him a break?不要那么严厉地批评他。他在尽其所能。为什么不能对他和蔼一点呢?She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.她开始批评我,后来突然停了下来。She is careful not to criticize the president, but makes it clear that she thinks the government's policies should be far more radical.她小心不去批评总统,但坦陈自己认为政府的方针应当更为激进。People are starting to criticize the government for its half-hearted approach to reform.人们开始指责政府对改革不积极。It should not be a crime for people to criticize their own government.人民批评自己的政府不应该是犯罪。Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.攻击性强的老板较少批评那些敢于反对他们的员工。Of course, it is tempting to criticize other countries and close your eyes to all the problems of your own society.当然,批评其他国家而对自己国家的社会问题视若无睹,是很诱人的做法。I've never heard her criticize you - I think you imagine it.我从来没有听见她批评过你——我想你在胡思乱想。It seems as though all he ever does is criticize.他好像就只会指责别人。Well, given her appalling record, she's not in any position to criticize my work.哎,她过去的表现那么糟,根本没有资格批评我的工作。You are free to criticize my work.你可以随意批评我的工作。It may seem harsh to criticize him after his death.在他死后还批评他似乎太无情了。How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.他怎么敢指责我有外遇?他自己也不是纯洁无瑕的。It's hard to criticize one's own work.评价自己的工作并非易事。He is always quick to criticize other people, but he gets angry if anyone criticizes him.他动不动就批评别人,可自己一挨批评就生气。You refuse to help and then criticize me for not doing it right? You're impossible!你拒绝帮忙,还批评我做得不对?你真让人讨厌!She may well enjoy her new freedom to criticize the government from the backbenches.她新上普通议员席,有了批评政府的自由,可能很是享受呢。We should set our own house in order before we criticize them.我们应该先正己再正人。Of course, some people will criticize you, but what does it matter?当然了,有些人要批评你,但那有什么关系呢?The US is hardly in a position to criticize other countries for wasting energy supplies.美国并无权指责其他国家浪费能源。I've been working my guts out these past few weeks and all he can do is criticize.在过去的几个星期里我一直在拼命工作,可他就知道批评我。If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.如果我批评他,他就会寻衅大吵大闹。It would be hypocritical of me to criticize him.我批评他就等于故作姿态。




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