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词汇 自愿
例句 Self-discipline, willingness, enthusiasm, that's what you must depend on.自律、自愿与热情,这是你所必须依仗的。Several parents volunteered to chaperone class field trips.班级的实地考察活动有几位家长自愿陪同。The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary.定于下个月开始实施的方案是自愿性质的。She volunteered to make a potato salad for the neighbourhood party.自愿为社区聚会做土豆色拉。How many of our teenage children actually help around the house of their own free will?我们有多少十几岁的孩子真的会自愿帮忙做家务?The number of operations may have to be limited unless more blood donors come forward.除非有更多的人自愿来捐血,否则只能限制手术的数量。I'm doing this on my own initiative. 自愿做这件事。The Armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system.军队可以废除强制服兵役制度而采取自愿入伍的形式。I offer myself as a willing sacrifice.自愿牺牲自己。No one volunteered for night duty.没有人自愿值夜班。Some of the men were volunteers, but most of them had been conscripted.这些人当中有些是自愿参军的,但多数都是被征召入伍的。Because the work was voluntary it was flexible, time-wise.这项工作是自愿的,所以时间上很灵活。An e-mail is already circulating amongst news staff calling for voluntary redundancies.在新闻部员工中已经在转发一封电子邮件,呼吁大家自愿裁汰。They gave generously of their own accord.他们自愿慷慨解囊。He volunteered for the committee chairmanship.自愿担任委员会主席。Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised?贝萨妮会像她承诺的那样自愿回来吗?She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come.自愿来的,没有人让她来。Playing sport on Saturday at school was entirely voluntary.星期六到学校进行体育运动完全是自愿的。His parents did a lot towards making him willing to stay.他的双亲作了很大努力想要他自愿留下。She went to work not through choice but out of necessity.她不是自愿去上班的,而是不得已而为之。We volunteered as witnesses.我们自愿做证人。Some of the men volunteered to work for nothing.其中一些人自愿来做义工。She was a voluntary helper.她是自愿帮忙的。Did he do it voluntarily, or did you make him?他是自愿做这事的,还是你叫他做的?No one should feel compelled to take part. It should be voluntary.谁都不必觉得非参加不可。这项活动应该是自愿的。Several people have volunteered to go.有几个人自愿前往。Military enlistment is voluntary.军队征兵实行自愿原则。I respect the right of others to have a wager if they want.我尊重他人自愿打赌的权利。The woman alleged rape, but Reeves insisted it was consensual.那女人声称是强奸,可是里夫斯坚称是双方自愿的。Despite her best endeavours, she couldn't persuade anyone to volunteer.尽管尽了最大努力,她还是无法说服任何人自愿来做。I volunteered my services.自愿提供服务。He surrendered voluntarily to his enemies.自愿向敌人投降。We gave generously of our own accord.我们自愿慷慨解囊。Willing volunteers formed teams of helpers to carry everything in.志愿者自愿组成了协助小组把所有的东西搬进来。There's an open mike tonight at my favorite café.今晚在我最喜欢的咖啡厅有一场自愿即兴表演。He did not quit as prime minister of his own accord.他辞去总理职务并非自愿Do you think David resigned of his own accord?你认为戴维辞职是自愿的吗?Did he come of his own volition?他是自愿来的吗?We volunteer as mentors to/of disadvantaged children.我们自愿去当残疾儿童的导师。The foundation depends entirely on voluntary contributions.基金会完全依靠自愿捐款。




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