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词汇 呆板
例句 We were disappointed that they insisted on such a rigid interpretation of the rules.他们坚持对规则进行如此呆板僵化的解释,令我们非常失望。There's an antiseptic feeling to the new town centre, with its covered shopping mall.新建的市中心购物广场上面架了棚顶,一切过于整洁而显得有些呆板Douglas has an undeserved reputation for being dull and dry.道格拉斯呆板无趣是出了名的,但事实并非如此。She spoke in a cool, expressionless voice.她用一种冷漠而呆板的声音说话。The movie is spoiled by some very wooden acting.一些极为呆板的表演毁了这部电影。The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.证据被当庭呆板地宣读了一遍。I don't like her inert personality.我不喜欢她呆板的个性。Deprived of the heavenly rhetoric of her eye, she seemed flat and dull.丧失了眼神所具有的动人感染力之后,她便显得平庸呆板了。The guest speaker was wooden and uninspiring.这位特邀嘉宾讲起话来呆板乏味,缺乏感染力。Her father thought her boyfriends were zombies.她父亲认为她的男友们都木讷呆板The college is a stolid-looking building with no lawn.这所学院外观呆板,连草坪都没有。His wooden face showed a ripple of a smile.呆板的脸上露出一丝笑影。The film is serious but not po-faced.这部电影很严肃但并不呆板乏味。The style is heavy and textbookish.这文体是沉闷而呆板的。The actor gave a stiff and mechanical performance.这名演员的表演僵硬而呆板This wooden translation reminds me of the typically constipated prose of the New York Review of Books.这篇僵硬的译文让我想起了《纽约书评》里典型的呆板散文。He plays a nerdy scientist in the movie.他在这部影片中扮演一位呆板的科学家。Many elderly folk vegetate and die in loneliness.许多老人过着呆板单调的生活并在孤寂中死去。The audience was dull and very provincial.观众既呆板又非常守旧。The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes.这部小说不知所云,人物呆板Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering.直射光照明既刺目又呆板Their blankness surprised her.他们的呆板使她吃惊。I wore my boring, respectable suit to the interview.我穿上了那套呆板、体面的正装去参加面试。His performances have become wooden and dull.他的演出变得呆板乏味。He's a bit robotic.他这个人有点呆板She played her part woodenly.她演得很呆板




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