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词汇 critical
例句 Many economists are critical of the government's economic policies.许多经济学家批评政府的经济政策。Its day-to-day finances are in a critical state.其日常财务状况十分严峻。The avoidance of injury is critical to a professional athlete.对于一个职业运动员来说,避免受伤是至关重要的。This role catapulted her to stardom as she gained critical acclaim for her performance.她的表演获得影评人士的好评,并凭借这一角色一举成名。Tom's mother was highly critical of the school's approach.汤姆的母亲对学校的处理方法提出了非常严厉的批评。He has recently published a critical work with Oxford University Press.他最近在牛津大学出版社出版了一本评论著作。He turned his critical eye on the United States.他转而用批判的眼光看待美国。The economy is just one of several critical problems the country is grappling with.经济问题只是该国正竭力解决的几个关键问题之一。We tried not to seem critical or judgmental while giving advice that would protect him from ridicule.我们在给他提供意见让他免受奚落时,尽量避免显得过于挑剔或妄下判断。His movies have always enjoyed critical esteem. 他的电影总能博得评论界的好评。Shakespeare is relaxed and careless in critical places.在关键地方,莎士比亚时有不严谨和不留心的败笔。His book provides a critical analysis of the television industry in Britain.他的书对英国的电视行业作了审慎的分析。He is very temperamental and critical.他好使性子,还爱挑毛病。How you finance a business is critical to the success of your venture.如何融资对企业的成功至关重要。This is definitely a critical point in my life right now.现在绝对是我一生中决定性的时刻。He curled a critical nostril over a glass of wine.他缩了缩鼻孔,对一杯葡萄酒进行品评。Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有这样才能凑足参与人数。Her latest novel has won great critical acclaim.她最新创作的小说赢得了评论界的高度赞扬。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live, and the converse is also true.你的谋生方式将决定你的居住地点以及生活方式,反之亦然。The courses are designed to develop the student's critical faculties through the reading of a variety of texts.这些课程旨在通过阅读各类文献来培养学生的批判能力。By now the demands for reform had reached critical mass.现在要求改革的呼声已经达到临界水平,改革势在必行。We have reached a critical moment in the negotiations.我们到了谈判的关键时刻。The paper is openly critical of the strong-arm president.该报纸对这位铁腕总统进行公开的批评。That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's career.那个项目赢得了评论界的好评,成为索尼塔事业的转折点。These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.这些指控是在谈判进行到关键阶段提出的。His invention eased a critical explosives shortage.他的发明使炸药的严重短缺得以缓解。The patient is in critical condition. = The patient is critical. 病人目前的情况很危险。The book won wide critical praise.这本书赢得评论界广泛的赞扬。He was in a critical condition, fighting for his life in hospital.他的情况很危急,正在医院里与死神搏斗。He had long been critical of Conservative policy.他一直以来都对保守党的政策颇有微词。He remained in a critical condition after suffering heart failure.他发生心力衰竭后病情一直危重。In these critical times, most people will snatch at any straw.在这等危急关头,多数人都会抓住任何机会作一番最后挣扎的。Costs can be calculated once the critical path has been established.一旦确定了关键途径,费用就可以计算出来了。Like so many artists of his generation, he was critical of mechanical reproduction.像同时代的许多艺术家一样,他对机械复制持批评态度。We have reached a critical phase of the experiment.我们这项实验已经到了关键阶段。He is perhaps predisposed to be critical.大概他天生就爱挑剔。That was a critical time in the nation's history.那是涉及国家命运的一个关键时刻。He used not to be so critical of other people's behaviour.他以前对别人的所作所为没这么挑剔。This reorganization is critical to the long-term future of the company.这次重组对公司的长远发展至关重要。The first chapter presents a critical review of the existing nursery education system.第一章是对现存幼儿教育体制的评述。




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