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He did it on his own responsibility.这事是他自作主张干的。I just found out that Mom volunteered me to babysit. 我才知道妈妈自作主张让我去照料小孩。Reg took it upon himself to hand the press a list of names.雷吉自作主张给了媒体一份名单。I took the liberty of booking theatre seats for us.我自作主张给大家预订了戏票。I don't like the cool way you used my bicycle without my permission.我不喜欢你这种擅自使用我的脚踏车的自作主张的行为。He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers.他因试图越过高层官员自作主张而受到斥责。She had taken it upon herself to cheer me up.她自作主张要让我振作起来。 |