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词汇 脚上
例句 His gym shoes were immaculate in spite of the rain.尽管下雨,他脚上那双运动鞋仍洁净无垢。New shoes always give me blisters.我穿新鞋脚上总要起泡。She felt a searing pain in her foot.她感到脚上一阵火辣辣的疼。She fell and broke a bone in her foot.她跌倒,摔断了脚上的一根骨头。Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet.鞋子把她的脚上的皮擦伤了。She was dressed in a very tight skirt and uncomfortable-looking shoes.她穿着一件很紧的裙子,脚上的鞋子看上去也很不舒服。He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks.他没把另一件吉祥物,一双绿色的袜子,穿在脚上She wiped her foot to clean away the blood.她把脚上的血擦掉。He took hold of the shoe on the dead woman's foot. It resisted and came off with difficulty.他抓着女尸脚上的鞋子,可那鞋死紧死紧的,好不容易才被脱下。She fished out a pair of David's socks for her cold feet.她找出一双戴维的袜子穿在了冰冷的脚上He still has a way to go before the cast on his foot can be removed.他还要等很久才能拆掉脚上的石膏。I want some sticking plaster to put on my heel.我想用些橡皮膏贴在后脚上The blister rankled as he walked.走路的时候他脚上的水疱疼痛不已。I had the feeling of something crawling across my foot.我感觉有东西正从我脚上爬过。His chair teetered back dangerously on two legs.他的座椅支撑在两只椅脚上,危险地朝后摇晃着。I felt a sharp pain in my foot.我感到脚上一阵剧痛。Amy's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor.埃米走过走廊时,脚上的鞋子在地砖上发出咯吱咯吱的响声。His feet were encased in heavy boots.脚上套着厚重的靴子。What if you run a splinter into your foot?你要是脚上扎了一根刺怎么办?Her legs were bruised and her feet were cut to ribbons.她的腿青了,脚上也划了一道道的伤痕。At a picture show a latecomer tanked over my feet climbing into his seat.在看电影时,一个迟到的观众横冲直撞地从我的脚上跨过,摸到自己的座位上去。He needled the blisters on his feet until they burst.他挑穿了脚上的水泡。Norma picked up a stocking, stretched it and then pulled it onto her foot.诺尔玛拿起一只袜子,拉拉长,然后套到脚上The shoes are still stylish, and as a matter of fact , I'm wearing a pair right now.这样的鞋子还是很时髦的,说真的,我现在脚上就穿着一双。These shoes are really uncomfortable.这双鞋子穿在脚上实在难受。She woke to feel a searing pain in her feet.她醒来感到脚上火辣辣地痛。I dropped a brick on my foot, and it swelled up like a balloon.我不慎把砖头砸到脚上,脚肿得像只气球。Puffing a little, Mabel shifted her weight onto her feet.梅布尔喘了口气,把身体重心移到脚上She got a splinter in her foot.脚上扎了一根刺。Be careful, you big lummox, you just stamped on my foot!小心点儿,你这个大笨蛋,你刚好踩到我的脚上了!He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.他把身体重心从一只脚移到另一只脚上He spilled beer all over my feet.他把啤酒都洒在我脚上With her neat hair and her flat, sensible shoes, she was the epitome of the traditional librarian.她头发梳得一丝不乱,脚上的平底鞋实用耐穿,她是传统图书馆管理员的典型。I got a nasty cut on my foot while playing on the beach.我在海滩上嬉耍时脚上割了个很大的伤口。She came in on crutches that morning, her foot still in a cast.那天早晨她拄着拐杖走进来,脚上还打着石膏。The ball fell straight to the feet of Klinsmann.球直接落到了克林斯曼的脚上The sea froths over my feet.海水在我的脚上泛起泡沫。His feet were encased in his best leather shoes.脚上穿着他最好的皮鞋。The skin on his foot was burnt away.脚上的皮肤被烧掉了。You can use a pumice stone in the bath to remove dry skin from your feet.你洗澡时可以用浮石去除脚上干燥的死皮。




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