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例句 The advantages of the plan more than compensate for the risks associated with it.这项计划的优点大大地弥补了所带来的风险。He realized the unkindness of the remark and immediately regretted having hurt her with it.他意识到了那番话的恶毒,马上就对伤害她感到非常后悔。My stomach palls with it.这东西我吃腻了。Farthing Lane's just above the High Street and parallel with it.法辛巷刚好在大街的北面,与大街平行。We've got to set our teeth and go through with it.我们得咬紧牙关,坚持到底。He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly.他捡起一支铅笔,无所事事地摆弄着。Stop talking and get on with it.别说了,开始做吧。They lament the inevitable changes that mainstream tourism has brought with it.他们悲叹主流旅游业带来的不可避免的变化。I had skated on thin ice on many assignments and somehow had, so far, got away with it.我冒着风险执行过很多任务,到目前为止还算安然无恙。It's beautiful: she'll be pleased with it.这个很漂亮,她会喜欢的。I was quite taken with it.我对它印象深刻。Just go pay the fine and be done with it.去付了罚款,把这事了结掉吧。Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it.只有充分感受了深切的痛苦,我们才能从中走出,并将它抛诸脑后。I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.对此我基本同意,但我怀疑这是否真的会发生。Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.别挑挑剔剔的了,我受够了。The switch was attached to the plate and came away with it when I pulled.开关装在板上,我一扳它就脱落了。That student never completes his work on time,I don't know how he gets by with it.那个学生从不按时完成作业,我不知道他是如何逃脱处罚的。You'll deal with it personally? Good.你将亲自处理这件事吗?太好了。If I want the job I have to accept the stress that goes along with it.如果我要这份工作,我就必须承受随之而来的压力。Don't try to cheat on your income tax,you'll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。I knew I needed surgery, and I was cool with it.我知道自己需要动手术,我对此很冷静。She told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it.她告诉惠斯勒他给她画的肖像已经完成,不要再改了。If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it.如果这个计划看起来像是一个传销骗局,那就不要参与。It seemed like a good idea so we just fell in with it.这似乎是个不错的主意,所以我们都同意了。The book went through several revisions before the publisher was finally satisfied with it.这本书修改了好几次,出版方才终于满意。If anyone has a query I'll deal with it at the end of the meeting.如果你们有什么疑问,我将在会议结束时回答。This introduction is taking forever. I wish they'd just get on with it. 这开场白时间太长了。但愿他们快点切入正题。If that's what you want to do, for heaven's sake do it and have done with it.如果你想那样做,看在老天爷分上你就去做,然后别再烦。I'd better leave you to get on with it.那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。She's incredibly rude. I don't know how she gets away with it.她极其粗鲁。我不知道她怎么没因此受到惩罚。I paid a fortune for this car, and I've had nothing but trouble with it.买这辆车我付了一笔巨款,可它只会给我找麻烦。She may be a grandmother, but she's quite with it in the way she dresses.她说不定已当老祖母了,可在衣着打扮方面还是挺时髦的。He just grabbed my camera and ran off with it.他一把抢了我的照相机就逃走了。The guy's obviously off his head if he imagines he can get away with it.那家伙要是还想着能逃脱处罚,他肯定是疯了。I have no way to deal with it, let a thing slide.我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧。You must face the inevitable and try to deal with it.你必须面对必然要发生的事并努力解决好它。Keep your money – I wouldn't soil my hands with it.把你的钱留着吧,我可不愿意被它玷污了双手。When you're done with it, would you pass it on to Paul?你看完后把它传给保罗好吗?He was such an angel to put up with it.他这都能忍,真是个大好人。I'm up to my eyes in work at the moment, but I'll deal with it as soon as I can.我现在工作忙得不可开交,但我会尽快处理好的。




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