例句 |
He joined the company as an office assistant with big ideas.他进这家公司做办公室助理时胸怀大志。He harboured ambitions of becoming leader.他胸怀大志,想当领袖。In his youth he had known ambition but shed it long ago.他在青年时代曾胸怀大志,但抛弃已久。Nowadays it's acceptable for women to be ambitious.如今,女性胸怀大志也能为社会所认可。Nowadays it's acceptable for women to be ambitious. But it wasn't then.如今,女性胸怀大志也能被接受,但那时候不是这样。He flew high though he was of humble origin.他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。She's the sort of girl who always aims high.她这个姑娘素来胸怀大志。 |