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词汇 服务
例句 The new bus route will serve the villages to the west of York.新设的公共汽车线将为约克市西面的村庄服务The centre was awarded a grant for outreach to the homeless.这个中心被授予一笔资金用于为无家可归者提供外展服务Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。The agency helps place unemployed workers.这家服务机构帮助安置失业工人。Without the adequate provision of childcare, many women who wish to work are unable to do so.因为没有足够的儿童保育服务,许多想去工作的女性难以实现自己的愿望。Services need to be more effectively organised than they are at present.各项服务应当比现在组织的更有效一些。She expected some return from the company for all her years of loyal service.她期望自己多年忠心耿耿的服务能够得到公司的回报。Any reduction in community care for the elderly will have a knock-on effect on hospitals.削减社区老人服务会对医院服务带来连锁反应。Our clients are assured of comfortable accommodation and the attention of our trained staff.我们的客户保证可以得到舒适的住宿,以及训练有素的员工所提供的周到服务The service is chronically underfunded.这个服务机构长期资金不足。The service is poor owing to a shortage of staff.服务之所以差是因为缺少员工。The emergency services searched all night for crash survivors.应急服务机构整夜都在搜寻坠机事故幸存者。He received a recompense for his services.他收取一笔服务酬金。We are able to offer a whole range of services at very reasonable rates.我们可以提供全套服务,而且价格非常合理。They're a huge company, known for their terrible customer service. 他们是一家巨大的公司,众所周知他们的顾客服务一团糟。There is very little call for his services during the summer.夏季他的服务极少有人问津。He refused to comply with a direction from the Building Services Authority.他拒绝遵守建筑服务管理局的一项指令。Many of these people are in danger of having their utilities shut off for nonpayment. 这些人当中有很多因为未缴费用而面临公用服务中断的危险。Our aim is to provide the highest quality service to all our customers.我们的目标就是为全体顾客提供最优质的服务Customers are increasingly demanding a tailored service.顾客们对定制服务的需求日益增加。We always endeavour to provide our customers with the highest standards of service.我们一直竭尽全力为我们的顾客提供最高标准的服务The report says the police are out of touch with the communities that they serve.这份报告指出,警方对他们所服务的社区毫不了解。As a double agent, he worked for the Americans and the Russians.他是双面间谍,同时为美俄两国服务You shouldn't expect a great standard of service from a cut-price tour operator.不要期望一家低价旅行社能提供高标准的服务The bus service is a great boon to old people.公交服务给老人带来了极大的方便。No additional charge is made for this service.服务不另外收费。Employees will get two weeks of severance pay for every year of service.雇员按服务年期每年能得到两个星期的辞退金。The health center serves all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.医疗中心为所有病人服务,不管他们的支付能力如何。The service is run by trained nurses.这项服务由受过训练的护士提供。The hotels are categorized according to the standard of the rooms and services they offer.宾馆根据它们所提供的客房和服务的标准分类。His services give him a title to our gratitude.他的服务使他理应受到我们的感谢。The restaurant's excellent service is not enough to redeem the mediocre food.餐厅出色的服务不足以补偿菜肴的平庸。The service here isn't very good.这里的服务不太好。Bus services are operating normally.公交服务运转正常。The city personnel of hospitals rotate in teams in the rural areas.城市医院的医务工作人员分小队轮流在农村地区服务The hotel used to offer a baby-sitting service, but no one ever used it.这家旅店以前有照看小孩的服务,可从来没人使用过。The hotel spoils their guests with fine dining and excellent service.这家酒店用美味的餐点和优质的服务款待客人。He charges a set fee for his services.他对提供的服务收取固定的费用。People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金。It was a small shop that catered to commuters and local workers.这是一家为长途上下班的人和当地工人服务的小商店。




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