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词汇 背叛
例句 They betrayed their country by selling its secrets to other governments.他们背叛了自己的祖国,将机密卖给了他国政府。They chose to die nobly rather than to betray their king.他们宁可高尚地死去,也不愿背叛自己的国王。She had the look of someone deserted and betrayed.她一副遭人遗弃和背叛的样子。His betrayal had made her bitter.他的背叛让她很是气愤。This, then, was the problem that faced him – he could not do his duty without betraying his friends.结果,这就成为他面临的问题,他只有背叛朋友才能尽到职责。He turned traitor to our cause.背叛了我们的事业。The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.总统背叛了他们,违背了不加税的诺言。Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their own mates.许多经历过父亲离家出走的女性潜意识里认为配偶会背叛自己。The plot of the movie includes grift, betrayal, and daredevil escapes.这部电影的情节包括骗财、背叛和冒险逃脱。I wanted to punch him for his betrayal.因为他的背叛,我想狠狠揍他一顿。The officer was disgraced for his treachery.那个军官因背叛而被解职。This was the first in a series of betrayals.这是一系列背叛事件中的第一件。My best friend, of all people, betrayed me. 偏偏是我最好的朋友背叛了我。He betrayed his wife by secretly having a child by another woman.他偷偷和另一个女人生了个孩子,背叛了他的妻子。We all betray the ones we love.我们都背叛了我们所爱的人。Their new constitution was a fig leaf to conceal their betrayal of the masses.他们的新宪法是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖他们对人民群众的背叛The family regard her marriage to a non-Muslim as a betrayal.她的家庭把她与非穆斯林家庭出身的人结婚看作是背叛Your treacherous actions to the cause of peace will bring down on you the maledictions of mankind.你对和平事业的背叛行径将使你受到全人类的诅咒。I admire honesty, so it would be a cop-out for me not to be straight myself.我推崇诚实,所以我自己若不诚实就是背叛了。The combination of sex and treachery proved a copper-bottomed circulation booster.事实证明,性和背叛的话题结合起来无疑大大增加了发行量。That betrayal had felt like somebody had ripped out his soul.那种背叛感觉就像有人撕裂了他的灵魂。They will not make me betray you. I'll kill myself first.他们没法让我背叛你。我宁可自杀。He promised to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.他发誓要报复那些背叛他的人。His so-called friends betrayed him.他那些所谓的朋友背叛了他。She would be guilty of betraying her own mother.她会犯下背叛自己母亲的错误。They'll betray you at the first hint of trouble.一有困难他们就会背叛你。As far as he was concerned there was no question of betraying his own comrades.就他而言,背叛自己的同志是不可能的。What hurts most is the betrayal, the waste.最痛彻心扉的是背叛和感情的浪费。The union sees the deal as a sellout.工会认为这桩交易是一种背叛She hated them for betraying her.她恨他们背叛了她。The filmhad an overstuffed storyline that was filled with plots, counterplots, and betrayals.那部电影的故事太繁复了,充满了阴谋、反向阴谋和背叛All Christians know that Jesus had 12 apostles, and one of them betrayed him.基督徒都知道耶稣有十二个使徒,其中有一个背叛了他。She has been called a traitor to the liberal party's cause.她曾被人称为背叛自由党事业的叛徒。If the research which enticed them to Britain is removed, they can be forgiven for feeling betrayed.如果吸引他们来到英国的研究项目被取消了,他们感觉遭到了背叛也是情有可原的。She defected from the conservative party.背叛了保守党。He felt he had betrayed his country.他感到他背叛了自己的国家。They said they'd help but they've ratted on their friends.他们说他们会帮忙的,但他们却背叛了朋友。The pass is sold, the die is cast, the fat's in the fire.朋友已遭到背叛,木已成舟,大祸临头。He betrayed his friend to protect his own hide. 他为了自保背叛了朋友。Others saw it as a betrayal.别人认为这是一种背叛




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