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词汇 世俗
例句 A secular state places devotion to the law above obeisance to religious belief.世俗国家对法律的忠诚高于对宗教信仰的虔敬。Their work is more cosily hermetic than ever.他们的作品比以往更加令人惬意,远离世俗Jewish weddings are both religious and civil. Therefore two official applications for marriage are necessary.犹太人的婚礼包括宗教和世俗两种形式,所以必须有两份正式的结婚申请。He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。He seemed very calm and far removed from worldly concerns.他显得非常冷静,完全没有世俗的忧虑。Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.戴利主教已经说过,教堂不应该用于非宗教或世俗的目的。Worldly success could prove a snare.世俗的成功可能会成为一个陷阱。These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral.这些画在某种意义上提醒人们世俗的享乐是短暂的。The choir sings both sacred and secular music.唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲。Queen Elizabeth II is the temporal head of the Church of England.女王伊丽莎白二世是英国国教的世俗领袖。Coleridge had experienced a conversion and put aside worldly things.柯尔律治皈依了宗教,抛开了世俗凡事。Their marriage was unconventional.他们的婚姻不符合世俗的标准。Edgar ruled over the Church as well as his temporal kingdom.埃德加除了统治世俗的王国之外,还统治着教会。They were ambitious for worldly power and possessions.他们有追逐世俗权势和财富的野心。The country is being torn to pieces by conflict between fundamentalists and secularists.原教旨主义者和世俗主义者的纷争使得该国支离破碎。He was able to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他能够超越同时代的世俗偏见。Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates.英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。The church can only go so far in secular matters.教会在世俗事务上只能做这么多。




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