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词汇 肯定
例句 There is a definite retard in the responsiveness of his memory.他的记忆力反应肯定有障碍。I'm fighting a losing battle on this diet.这样节食我肯定坚持不下去。The gauge must be giving a faulty reading.量表的显示肯定有误。This latest incident is bound to lead to a further worsening of relations between the two countries.这一最新事件肯定会导致两国关系进一步恶化。I'm sure she won't mind sparing us a little of her time.肯定她不会介意为我们抽点时间。I'm pretty sure Barbara still works here.我很肯定芭芭拉还在这里工作。Let me put it this way, he's rich, but he's certainly not attractive.让我这么说吧,他很有钱,但是他肯定没有魅力。Her car's not there, so that must mean she's gone to pick him up.她的车不在那里,那表示她肯定是去接他了。She reasoned that something must be wrong.她推断出肯定哪里出了问题。Things are hard at the moment, but if we stick with it, they are bound to get better.目前情况困难,但如果我们坚持下去的话,肯定会有所好转的。The body must have been decomposing for several weeks.那具尸体肯定已经腐烂好几个星期了。It's a cinch that they won't say a word.他们肯定会只字不吐。Sir John was definitely in the Treasury's bad books for incorrect thinking on economic prospects.约翰爵士肯定不受财政部的待见,因为他对经济前景的预测并不准确。She won't let you borrow the car - I'm certain of that.她不会让你借用那车的—我肯定It would be tempting fate to say that we will definitely win the game.要说我们肯定会赢得这场比赛,还真有点儿冒险。I'll be living here for the foreseeable future.在可预见的将来我肯定会继续住在这里。I can tell you, first thing in the morning he's not a pretty sight.我可以肯定地跟你说,早上一起来他就让人看着不顺眼。This is certainly the ugliest dress I've ever worn.这件连衣裙肯定是我穿过的最难看的一件。Have you asked Ted? He's sure to know.你问过特德吗?他肯定知道。He must have resigned, unless they fired him.肯定已辞职了,除非是他们开除了他。I am sure that your parents will want to know about this, and I will personally bring it to their attention.肯定你父母想要了解此事,我会亲自告诉他们的。The experiments gave positive results in all cases.所有的实验都得出肯定的结果。I'm sure he'll live to a ripe old age.肯定他会高寿的。He's not sure about the idea, but I'm sure we'll win him over in the end.他现在对这一想法还拿不定主意,不过我肯定最后我们能说服他。If the FBI thought they could outwit him, they were in for a shock.联邦调查局如果以为他们有本事智胜他,那么他们肯定会吃惊的。Without him we'd be well and truly sunk.没有他我们肯定彻底玩完了。Whoever's fault the accident might have been, it certainly wasn't mine.事故的错不管是谁的,肯定不是我的。If he can grow good roses, it is certain that he would be nulli secundus with the full advantage of situation and soil.由于地势和土壤条件优越,他种起玫瑰花来肯定首屈一指。She'll certainly forget, so you'd better give her memory a prod.肯定会忘记,所以你最好提醒她一下。Something must be wrong; otherwise, he would have called.一定出了什么事;要不然的话,他肯定会打电话来的。It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。This new software fits the bill.这款新软件肯定符合要求。This word is used in positive/negative constructions.这个单词用于肯定/否定结构。I'm sure he does love you, in his own way.肯定他是爱你的,用他自己的方式。Do you know for a fact that he is in London?肯定他在伦敦吗?The Renaissance must have been a very interesting time to have been alive.生活在文艺复兴时代肯定非常有意思。I don't know anything about this, but I'm sure my colleague here can help you.这个我一点儿都不懂,但我相信这里的同事肯定能帮你。When I dropped my bag, some of my money must have fallen out.我的手袋掉在地上时,肯定有一些钱掉了出来。There'll be trouble, I promise you.会有麻烦的,我可以肯定If you ask Bob nicely, I'm sure he'll help.如果你礼貌地问鲍勃,我肯定他会帮忙。




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