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词汇 credit
例句 If the property needs a new dishwasher, no problem, just put it on a credit card.如果住所需要一个新的洗碗机,没问题,用信用卡买一个就可以了。People have to exercise due diligence and watch what's being bought on their credit cards.人们应该行为审慎,关注自己信用卡的使用情况。She deserves credit for the increase in sales and the resultant increase in profit.她应该为销售额的增长以及由此产生的利润的增加而受到表扬。You can use credit cards but it's best to take some currency as well.你可以使用信用卡,但最好也带些现款。Keep your credit card in a safe place.请将信用卡存放在安全的地方。We offer free banking for customers whose accounts remain in credit.我们向账户有存款的客户免费提供银行服务。On the credit side, the book is extremely well-researched.从优点来讲,这本书作了非常透彻的研究。This course counts as one credit towards your degree.这门课可以为你获得学位加上一个学分。We need the expiry date on your credit card.我们需要知道你的信用卡的有效期限。The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.这家人不得不靠向当地商人赊账生活。He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.他是近代英国最伟大的运动员之一,是这一体育运动的骄傲。Leave your cheque book and credit cards at home unless you know you will need them.除非确实需要用到支票簿和信用卡,否则别带在身上。He's an excellent athlete and a credit to the sport.他是位优秀的运动员,也是这项运动的骄傲。She paid for the hotel by credit card.她用信用卡支付了酒店费用。Surely you credit me with more sense than that!想必你认为我比那样更有理智!Our goal is to make sure everyone plays a part and shares in the credit.我们的目标是确保人人都参与其中,并共同分享荣誉。Some banks will charge a fee if you go over your credit limit. 如果花费超过了信用额度,有些银行将会收取额外费用。To earn full credit you must include at least three maps with your project.要想得满分,你的方案中至少要包含三幅地图。We've put together what we think is a very attractive package, including discounts, special offers, and free credit.我们设计了一套非常有吸引力的优惠计划,包括折扣、特价和免息贷款。Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit.到那时阿蒂已经出版了六张专辑,是个经验丰富的音乐家了。At least give him credit for trying.至少他尝试过,这就值得表扬。I bought it on credit.这是我赊购的。Let's give credit where credit is due.让我们实事求是地表扬别人吧。It is to his credit that he acknowledged his error.他承认了错误,值得赞扬。Answer this last question correctly for extra credit.最后这个问题回答正确可获得加分。It can prevent identity theft, where fraudsters apply for credit cards or buy goods using other people's names.这可以防止身份盗窃,即防止骗子冒用他人姓名申请信用卡或购买商品。Banks refused to extend more credit.银行拒绝提高信用额度。The credit report will show all the consumer debt a person has.信用报告会显示一个人所有的消费者债务。She was given undeserved credit for the idea.关于那个点子,人们把她不该得的功劳都归于她了。Since the law was changed, the number of credit unions has grown tremendously.法律修改了之后,信贷互助会的数量大大增加。Both cardholders and credit card companies are protected, while the retailer foots the cost.持卡人和信用卡公司都受到保护,支付费用的是零售商。To apply for our credit card, just fill out this form and send it to us.申请我公司的信用卡,只要填写这张表并寄给我们就可以了。He keeps his credit up by paying his bills regularly.他按期付账保持良好信用。 You are a credit to your family and your country.你是你的家人和祖国的骄傲。I don't especially like the woman but, credit where credit's due, she's very efficient.我不是特别喜欢那个女人,不过,该说好的就说好,她办事效率很高。We propose to expand credit in order to create demand.我们提议扩大信贷以刺激需求。I suppose we can pay by credit card but we'd better check first.我估计我们可以用信用卡来支付,但要先确认一下。James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.詹姆斯用信用卡结账后离开了餐厅。The directors will have to assess our credit risk.董事们会评估我们的信用风险。When you call, have your credit card handy.你打电话的时候手边要备好信用卡。




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