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He was also an avid reader and a disciple of Tolstoy.他也是托尔斯泰的热忱读者和信徒。He's still really enthusiastic about his new job.他对新工作依旧充满热忱。I started my new job with great earnestness.我以极大的热忱开始了我的新工作。Critics expressed unreserved enthusiasm for the book.书评人对此书表达了毫无保留的热忱。He is very passionate about the project.他对这个项目非常热忱。Their skill, enthusiasm and running has got them in the team.他们的技术、热忱和跑动能力使他们得以加入这支球队。I've played my part with enormous zest.我已经以极大的热忱尽到了本分。He approached the job with missionary zeal.他以极大的热忱来对待这份工作。He was a recent Catholic convert, and very zealous.他最近才皈依天主教,心中充满了热忱。He was friendly, passionate, and a stand-up kind of guy.他是一个友好热忱、忠实可靠的人。The banquet was held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.宴会在热忱友好的气氛中进行。In the end, it was her passionate belief in justice that carried her through.最后,是她对公正的热忱信念帮助她渡过了难关。Mrs Mahmood had organized the street party with her customary gung-ho zeal.马穆德夫人以她一贯的积极和热忱组织了街道派对。I admire his dedication to the job.我很钦佩他对工作的勤奋热忱。The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things.他这次探险的最大收获就是重新发现了自己对动手制作物品与生俱来的热忱。He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.他以传教士般的热忱力陈改组的理由。We were effusively welcomed by the patron and his wife.我们受到老板和他妻子的热忱欢迎。She was a zealous worker for charitable bodies.她对慈善事业充满热忱。She only had a minor part, but she played it with gusto.她只得到一个小角色,但是演出时却满怀热忱。She still manages to bring a youthful enthusiasm and energy to her work.她对工作仍有青年人的热忱和活力。Staff and students are cordially invited to the ceremony.热忱邀请教职员工和学生参加典礼。She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast.她以热心支持者的热忱开始做这项工作。She had a kind of missionary zeal about bringing culture to the masses.她对于向大众传播文化有着满腔的热忱。I can appreciate his humanitarian zeal; it is the soundness of his thought that I question.我能够理解他的人道主义热忱,我质疑的是他的观点是否正确。 |