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词汇 确保
例句 Make sure the metal clip is firmly in place.确保金属夹紧扣到位。She fed the documents into the machine making sure that there were no paper jams.她把文件送进机器,确保没有纸张把机器卡住。The council will make every effort to ensure that the scheme goes forward.委员会将尽一切努力确保计划的实施。The only way to guarantee payment is to sign a contract.确保支付的唯一方式就是签订合同。They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.他们采取措施确保乘客安全。Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to be sure of travelling safely.多数乘飞机的旅客都愿意多付点钱以确保飞行安全。They made sure everyone knew where they were supposed to be.他们确保每个人都知道应该在哪儿。Ensure there are no sharp or protruding nails.确保没有锋利或突出的指甲。Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates.确保附上所有的适用证明。They make sure that complaints are dealt with quickly and fairly.他们确保迅速而公平地处理投诉。Mutual goodwill has guaranteed the success of this agreement.相互间的善意确保了这个协议成功达成。One has to make sure that the people responsible are capable of doing the needful.确保相关责任人能够做好他们必须做的事。Strict design standards ensure that new buildings are compatible with existing architecture.严格的设计标准确保新的建筑物可以和现有的建筑相协调。Make sure no one finds out about this.确保没人发现此事。Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed.确保这些瓷砖经过仔细勾缝,堵上缝隙。Make sure the base coat has thoroughly dried before applying the topcoat.确保底漆干透后再刷面漆。This is the only effectual way to secure our present and future happiness.这是确保我们现在及以后都会幸福的唯一有效途径。Sound him out gradually. Make sure it is what he really wants.要慢慢地打探他的口风,要确保是他的心里话。Catherine saw to it that the information went directly to Walter.凯瑟琳确保这条消息直接传达给了沃尔特。She gave the cap another twist to make sure it was tight.她又拧了一下盖子,以确保盖紧了。Members will work with Government agencies to ensure all students complete their tertiary studies.成员们将与政府机构合作,以确保所有学生都能完成高等教育阶段的学习。The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.随着和平联合声明的发表,这个意义深远的条约也确保冷战成为了历史。We want to make sure that we choose the very best design.我们想确保选出最好的设计。Part of the disc was cut out to allow free passage of the bolt.圆板被切掉了一部分,这是为了确保螺栓能不受阻碍地插进去。We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.我们要确保每次他发言时我们都在会议室里。Ensure that every child has a chance to maximize their potential.确保每个孩子都有机会充分发挥他们的潜能。The union had to agree to certain givebacks in order to save the jobs of all its members.确保其所有成员继续就业,工会不得不同意将部分福利归还企业。It was a question of making sure certain needs were addressed, notably in the pensions area.问题是确保满足某些需求,尤其是养老金这块儿。It is their duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the equipment is safe.只要力所能及,确保设备安全是他们的职责。Make sure both surfaces are free from dust and grit.确保两面都没有灰尘和沙粒。To avoid eye problems, make sure that your desk is well-lit.要避免眼睛出现毛病,就要确保书桌上有充足的光线。Make sure there are no hidden hazards in your garden.确保你的花园里没有暗藏的危险。They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.他们可以确保传统烹饪不会被商业运营模式完全破坏。Make sure you get plenty of exercise.确保做足够的运动。Escort ships were needed to ensure safe passage on the seas.需要护航舰艇来确保海上通道安全。Will you please see to it that this work is finished by the end of the week.请你确保这项工作一定要在周末以前完成。Ensure that it is written into your contract.确保把这一点写入合同中。She wants to make sure her legacy will endure.她想确保她的遗产能够持久存在。We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.我们想要确保每个人受到公平对待。Make sure that the room is well ventilated.确保房间通风良好。




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