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词汇 耳目一新
例句 There is a refreshing honesty about his work.他工作踏实,令人耳目一新I found her unpretentiousness to be refreshing.我发现她谦逊的风格令人耳目一新It is a refreshing change for her to meet a woman boss.对她来说,见到一位女老板是件耳目一新的事情。It makes a refreshing change to talk to someone who's happy.与快乐的人交谈会给人一种耳目一新的感觉。I found here a refreshing absence of industrial sprawl.我看到在这儿不存在大工业城市胡乱发展的景象,深感耳目一新Their approach is refreshingly simple and direct.他们的方法简单而直接,令人耳目一新What is refreshing is the author's easy, conversational style.令人耳目一新的是作者这种简单而娓娓道来的风格。It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.他们直言不讳地谈论自己和自己的感受,让人觉得耳目一新The film is refreshingly free of mobile phones, precocious brats, and SUVs.没有了手机、早熟的毛孩子和多功能越野车,这部电影令人耳目一新Gossamer lightness made the scherzo newly refreshing.轻盈的旋律使那首谐谑曲令人耳目一新Scottish Opera presents a startling new production of the operatic drama The Turn of the Screw.苏格兰歌剧院上演了一出令人耳目一新的歌剧《碧庐冤孽》。She is refreshingly informal.她不拘礼节,令人耳目一新It was refreshing to talk about themselves with brutal honesty.敞开心扉谈论真实的自己,他们很觉得耳目一新The informative asides about rural life make this wine guide rather special.这本品酒指南不时插入一些有关乡村生活的描述,这让人感到耳目一新It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.听到有人说话通情达理真是令人耳目一新The source of this fresh modern outlook is the prime minister.首相是这个令人耳目一新的现代化观点的首创者。The play is a bracing but utterly faithful interpretation of an American classic.这出戏令人耳目一新,但完全忠实地演绎了一部美国经典作品。Her next film was excitingly different.她接下来的一部电影风格迥异,令人耳目一新It made a refreshing change to see a good old-fashioned movie.换换口味,看一部经典的老式电影会让人觉得耳目一新After dealing for so long with a difficult boss, our new supervisor is a breath of fresh air.在那个喜欢刁难人的老板手下干了这么长时间之后,见到新任主管我们都感觉耳目一新After the offensiveness of many professional athletes, he is a breath of fresh air.看惯了许多职业运动员唐突无礼的派头,他给人耳目一新之感。This lively book presents a refreshing new perspective on a crucial period in our history.关于如何看待我们历史上的一段关键时期,这本富有活力的书呈现出令人耳目一新的视角。His work was deeply refreshing, and all of it shot through with humour.他的作品令人耳目一新,充满幽默元素。She has a refreshingly healthy attitude to work.她对工作持一种明智态度,令人耳目一新Her honest remarks provided a bracing change from the bland, political commentary.相对那些平庸的、政治化的评论,她坦率的言辞带来一种令人耳目一新的变化。A coat of paint and new curtains would really cheer the kitchen up.厨房粉刷一遍再换上新窗帘确实会让人耳目一新Her brisk treatment of an almost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air.她把这个近乎禁忌的话题处理得很轻松,令人耳目一新This film makes a refreshing change.这部电影令人耳目一新His drumming is constantly inventive.他击出的鼓点总是令人耳目一新There's a refreshing lack of pretension about her.她毫不造作,令人耳目一新His sportsmanship and style of play is refreshing.他的体育精神和打球风格令人耳目一新After so many lies from politicians, Dunbar's candour is refreshing.政客中谎言累累,邓巴的坦诚令人耳目一新




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