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Halogen lamps give excellent service, but the bulbs are expensive to replace.卤素灯很耐用,但要换灯泡却非常昂贵。A leather sofa will usually outlast a cloth one.皮沙发一般要比布沙发耐用。This new product offers many advantages: speed, convenience, and durability, to name but a few.这种新产品有很多优点,如快捷、方便、耐用,这只是列举一二。Orders for durable goods plunged in September.耐用商品订单数在九月份出现了下滑。Use durable materials with artwork that won't peel away.选择耐用、图案不易剥落的材料。Those curtains have worn very well.那些窗帘非常耐用。This raincoat is made of very durable material.这件雨衣是用非常耐用的料子做的。These tools are built to last. 这些工具很耐用。She rationalized the cost by saying that an expensive carpet would last longer than a cheaper one.她解释说那些花费是合理的,理由是她买的地毯虽然很贵,但要比便宜货耐用。Bronze is harder and more durable than tin.青铜比锡坚硬耐用。The toys are made from very durable plastic.这些玩具是由非常耐用的塑料制作的。The floor wears well even in high traffic areas.这种地面即使在人流密集地区也很耐用。They will be slightly more expensive but they last a lot longer.它们的价钱要贵一些,可是更加耐用。These trucks are designed to take a lot of punishment.这些卡车设计得很耐用。Civil aircraft engines must be quiet, non-polluting, reliable and long-lasting.民用飞机的发动机必须噪音低、无污染、可靠、耐用。This engine can withstand a great deal of punishment.这台发动机非常坚固耐用。The plastic was chosen because it is very hard and durable.选择塑料是因为它坚实耐用。The acrylic is very durable and polishes well.丙烯酸涂料持久耐用,光泽效果很好。Consumer durables such as refrigerators, television sets, bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities.冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。You have to wear sensible clothes for school.你得穿耐用的衣服去上学。Cheap saucepans can't really be expected to last.便宜的平底锅实在不能指望它耐用。Troll's exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon.特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。They didn't cost anything and they lasted forever.它们花不了多少钱,却非常耐用。A race car can withstand a great deal of punishment.赛车非常坚固耐用。Paths should be laid in a material that is hardwearing but mellows well, such as brick or stone.铺就道路应采用耐用且会变得古香古色的材料,如砖或石头。The machines have to be made of durable materials.这种机器必须使用耐用的材料来制造。What you need for Africa is a simple, durable and inexpensive vehicle.你去非洲需要一辆简单、耐用又便宜的汽车。Zinc roofs are not especially durable.锌皮屋顶并不特别耐用。I want to buy a new durable car. My last one broke down in less than three months after bought it.我想买一部耐用的新车。我的上一部买了不到三个月就坏了。This system has outlasted many of its rivals.这一系统比许多与之竞争的系统耐用。 |