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词汇 creature
例句 The gangster is, primarily, a creature of the imagination.那个黑帮成员基本上是臆想出来的。Researchers can only guess at how this weird creature evolved.研究者们只能猜测这个奇怪的生物是如何进化的。The unicorn is a mythical creature.独角兽是神话中虚构出来的动物。You vile creature,get out of my house.你这个卑鄙的家伙,从我家滚出去。The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world.基督教牧师对全世界的每个生灵都负有职责。The creature is on the threshold of extinction.这种生物已濒临灭绝。You always were a stubborn creature.你一贯是个倔强家伙。He was the most beautiful creature Dot had ever seen.他是多特见到过的最漂亮的人。She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature.她出落得亭亭玉立。The poor creature has had a hard life.这可怜的人一直过着艰苦的生活。The fearsome creature was half man and half beast.这可怕的怪物是半人半兽。The dragon is a fabulous creature.龙是传说中的动物。The Gorgon was a mythical creature.戈耳戈蛇发女妖是神话中的怪物。The old lady is such a dear creature.这位老太太是位非常可爱的人。So far you have not been able to describe the creature you saw. Either it is amorphous or it is just a figment of your imagination.到目前为止你都无法描述怪物的长相。要不它就是没有固定形状,要不就是你的想像。Don't you think it's cruel to cage a creature up?你不认为把动物关进笼里太残忍了吗?Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们曾有火星人来访时,居然没人相信。He seems rather a pathetic creature.他看上去像个可怜虫。I hate camping-I miss all my creature comforts.我不喜欢野营,我很想念家里的所有那些舒适享受。He is a reclusive, timorous creature.他是个离群索居、胆小羞怯的家伙。I don't need creature comforts like a hot bath.我不需要像洗热水澡这样的物质享受。This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo.这种有趣迷人的动物是婆罗洲独有的。This creature lives in the depths of the ocean.这种生物生活在海洋深处。I have seen such a creature in its death throes.我曾见过这样在垂死挣扎的生物。On land the seal is a clumsy creature, but underwater it moves with grace and agility.海豹在陆上是一种笨拙的动物,可在水中它们的行动却优雅敏捷。He is a horrid creature.他是一个可恶的人。I don't see how any creature can survive under those conditions.我认为任何生物在那样的环境下都不可能存活下来。The poll tax was a creature of the Government.人头税是政府的发明。The Senator was a mere creature of the President.这位参议员仅仅是总统的工具。Whereas an octopus has eight arms, this new, superficially octopus-like creature had ten, like squids. The rest of its external morphology was equally strange.章鱼有八条腕足,而这个看上去像章鱼的新生物却如同乌贼般有十条腕足。它身体其余部分的外部形态同样也很奇怪。I am not a vain creature.我并不是爱慕虚荣的人。Blackie is as strong as a horse and I'm a delicate creature.布莱基体壮如牛,而我却身体虚弱。I was amazed by the sheer bulk of the creature.这个动物庞大得让我吃惊。The gray fox is a very shy elusive creature.灰毛狐狸是很害羞的罕见动物。What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind.使智人区别于其他生物的是心智。The duck-billed platypus is a truly bizarre creature.鸭嘴兽的确是一种奇异的动物。He denied himself every creature comfort.他屏弃一切物质享受。Its sucking foot gives the creature anchorage to the rock.这种动物的吸足使身体牢牢地吸附在岩石上面。Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人相信每个生灵都拥有灵魂。Have you no feeling for that poor, sick creature?你不同情那个可怜的生病的人吗?




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