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词汇 翻找
例句 Peter went into the kitchen to raid the fridge.彼得走进厨房在冰箱里翻找吃的。Women were scavenging for old furniture.女人们在翻找旧家具。He began to rummage among the chaotic mess of papers on his desk.他开始在写字台上一堆乱七八糟的文件中翻找She began picking through the shelves for more interesting books.她开始在书架上翻找更多有意思的书。I went through the pile of clothes at the back of my wardrobe.我在衣橱最里面的一堆衣服里翻找He delved in the drawer for a torch.他在抽屉里翻找手电筒。I rummaged in my bag for a pen.我在包里翻找钢笔。They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits.他们在一堆堆的二手衣服里翻找着合身的衣服。The watchman scrabbled for his clothes.看守人急忙翻找自己的衣服。I've been raking through my drawers looking for those tickets.我一直在抽屉里仔细翻找那些票。Foxes and other scavengers go through the dustbins.狐狸和其他食腐动物在垃圾箱里翻找He searched his closet for something to wear.他在衣柜里翻找衣服穿。He pawed frantically through the drawers.他拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。He poked around in his closet for something to wear to the party.他在衣柜里翻找参加聚会的衣服。She pawed through her purse to find her cell phone.她在手提包里翻找手机。I found Michelle rummaging among the papers in my drawer.我发现米歇尔在我抽屉的文件中翻找东西。I got suspicious when I found him nosing around my office early one morning.有一天我发现他一大早在我办公室里翻找东西,我就起了疑心。A bag lady with a shopping cart was picking through the garbage for aluminum cans.一个手推购物车的女流浪者在垃圾里翻找铝罐。In their search for drugs, the police rummaged his household.警察为了搜查毒品,将他的住宅仔细翻找了一遍。He unzipped his school bag and rummaged about for a pencil.他拉开书包的拉链,在里面翻找铅笔。She ferreted in her bag for a pen.她在包里翻找钢笔。Alice bent to search through a heap of clothes.艾丽斯弯腰在一大堆衣服中翻找I heard you rummaging around/about in the refrigerator.我听到你在冰箱里翻找东西。We rooted through the desk drawers for the phone bill.我们在书桌的抽屉里翻找电话账单。She looked in the bottom drawer of the chest.她在柜子最下面的抽屉里翻找I had to pick through the rubbish to find my electricity bill.我不得不在垃圾堆里翻找我的电费缴费单。She dug around in her bag for a pen.她在包里翻找钢笔。He delved into his pocket and brought out a notebook.他在自己的口袋里翻找着,拿出一本笔记本来。He searched his room for his wallet.他在房间里翻找他的钱包。Robbers ransacked the apartment looking for money.盗贼在公寓里到处翻找钱财。You'll be able to retrieve files much more easily than rooting through a pile of notebooks.你将能更快捷地找到文件,无需在一堆笔记本中翻找The old man has been routing among the piled newspapers.老人一直在报纸堆中翻找I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet.我发现我丈夫在档案柜里翻找着什么。We spent weeks combing through huge piles of old documents.我们在大堆大堆的旧文件里仔细翻找了好几个星期。She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.她在信件中翻找,匆忙冒失之下将它们扔得满桌都是。She ferreted among some papers.她在一些文件中翻找着。He was scrabbling for his pen, which had got lost somewhere under the sheets of paper.他在一摞纸下面翻找笔,刚刚就丢在那儿了。She hunted around in the closet for a pair of shoes.她在壁橱里到处翻找一双鞋。Louise rummaged in her bag and pulled out a small envelope.路易丝在手提包里翻找,扯出一个小小的信封。He burrowed into the pile of charts feverishly.他非常紧张地在一堆图表中翻找




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