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The CD-ROM encyclopedia is a good value because the printed encyclopedia set sells for twice as much.光盘版百科全书很划算,因为印刷的百科全书价格要翻倍。The shares have doubled in value since I bought them, and I'm hoping they'll be my first ten-bagger within a year or two.自从我购买这些股票后,其价值已经翻倍了。我希望在一两年内,能成为我的首批十倍股。She is disgusted by big hotels adding so many extras to the bill that it nearly doubles.她非常厌恶大酒店额外收取这么多费用,账单金额都快翻倍了。The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.碳排放税很可能会导致化石燃料价格翻倍。They estimated that growth in demand for telecoms services would double over the next five years.他们预计,在接下来的五年内电信服务的需求量将翻倍。This will double the amount of money available.这样,手上的钱就会翻倍。 |