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词汇 羞辱
例句 Children shouldn't be stigmatized because their parents aren't married.孩子们不应当因其父母未婚而受到羞辱The treatment accorded to a United Nations official was little short of insulting.联合国官员所受到的这种待遇几近羞辱For a brief, sickening moment, the humiliation she had suffered in this man's hands tried to swamp her.有那么一小会儿,他的羞辱叫她极为反感,几乎要受不了了。Humiliated, he smiled weakly before leaving the room.由于受到羞辱,他在离开房间前笑得很勉强。There are people who want to humiliate you and grind you into the dust.有些人想羞辱你,把你榨干。She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.她面临提及她丈夫出轨一事的羞辱If I was to insult the contestants I would be shooting myself in the foot.如果我羞辱参赛者,就会搬起石头砸自己的脚。The invading army took every opportunity to humiliate the local peasants.侵略军抓住每个机会羞辱当地的农民。Prisoners are subjected to humiliating treatment and frequent beatings.囚犯们受到羞辱,并常常遭到殴打。She felt that everyone in the meeting was trying to do her down.她觉得会上每一个人都在试图羞辱她。He insulted her, and then, if you please , asked for her help.羞辱了她,后来居然又找她帮忙。Bobby drove home seething after his terrible humiliation at the party.博比在聚会上受到极大的羞辱,忿忿地开车回家了。He's humiliated her beyond endurance.他把她羞辱得无地自容。The waitress complained that her employer had humiliated her in front of customers.服务员投诉老板当着顾客的面羞辱她。His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons.他的数学老师频频在课上羞辱他。Lewis was a tyrannical boss who frightened and humiliated his employees.刘易斯是个专横的老板,他威吓、羞辱员工。The government suffered a series of political humiliations.该政府在政治上蒙受了一连串的羞辱Lowe was publicly humiliated by his colleagues.洛遭到同事们的公开羞辱The incident had been coldly calculated to humiliate him.这起事件是精心算计好羞辱他的。Fong did not suffer a physical attack, but he was humiliated by the three men.方身体上没有受伤,只是受到了那三个男人的羞辱It was the ultimate put-down, and he blushed deeply.那根本就是羞辱,他的脸色变得通红。It is difficult to separate actions that terrorize a population from those that dehumanize and humiliate it.对人们实行的恐怖统治就是一种令他们人性泯灭并对其加以羞辱的行为,二者很难区分开。He made a degrading remark about my weight.他拿我的体重来羞辱我。She could never swallow such humiliation.这般羞辱她永远无法忍受。I have never felt so humiliated in all my life.我一辈子都未受过如此羞辱I don't mean this as an insult, but I think the team would play better without you.我不想羞辱你,不过我觉得球队如果没有你,表现会更好些。Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feel threatened by.开种族主义色彩的玩笑是因为我们想羞辱那些对我们构成了威胁的其他种族。Never in all my life have I felt so humiliated.我这辈子从未感到如此羞辱How can you just sit back and let him insult you like that?你怎么能无动于衷,由他那样羞辱你?For years they suffered racist taunts.多年来,他们遭受着种族主义者的羞辱The comment was not intended as an insult.这一评论并无羞辱之意。He suffered insult and indignity in silence.他默默地忍受着羞辱The team had to suffer the indignity of being booed by their own supporters.这支队伍不得不承受被自己支持者喝倒彩的羞辱The comment was not intended to be an insult.这一评论并无羞辱之意。This is a man who took pleasure in torture and humiliation.他是一个以折磨和羞辱别人为乐的人。She suffered the humiliation of having her house searched.她蒙受了被搜查住所的羞辱All she wanted was to escape so that she would not have to face this public shame.她只想逃得远远的,避免在众人面前面对这样的羞辱Once again, the French army were totally humiliated.法军再一次遭到极大的羞辱To treat human beings like animals is to degrade them.像对待动物一样对待人类是在羞辱他们。He has suffered public scorn and humiliation.他在大庭广众之下遭到了蔑视和羞辱




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