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词汇 unproductive
例句 He has no sentimentality about firing unproductive employees, even those who have worked for the company for years.他对开除无所作为的员工,甚至包括那些为公司服务了多年的员工,是毫不留情的。Plans are being made to terminate unproductive employees.解雇低效员工的计划正在制订之中。Are there plans for the termination of unproductive employees?是否有解雇低效员工的计划?The meeting was long and noisy, but unproductive.这次会议冗长嘈杂,却没有什么结果。Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive.研究人员很清楚,他们的很多时间和精力全都是白费。It's unproductive to waste time arguing.浪费时间争论是徒劳的。It was such an unproductive meeting - we didn't make a single decision.这是场徒劳无功的会议——我们连一项决议也没有做出。It was one of those unproductive confrontations between students and senior members of the university.这次学生与大学高层之间的冲突又没取得什么结果。The talks were unproductive.会谈没有取得结果。The search proved unproductive.搜查没有任何结果。The meeting was unproductive.会议未取得成果。




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