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Most of what she said in the interview was unprintable.她在采访中说的话大部分都不能见报。Her reply was unprintable.她的回答实在难以启齿。He was known for his incendiary remarks, most of them unprintable in a family newspaper.他以发表煽动性言论闻名,许多不宜刊登在以家庭为目标读者的报纸上。I can't tell you what he said because it's unprintable.我不能告诉你他说的话,因为难以启齿。Does the file contain any unprintable characters?这份文件中有无法打印的字符吗?Chief McNally admits he's been called many things, some of them unprintable.麦克纳利酋长承认他被人骂过各种各样的话,其中有些是不能刊印的。 |