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词汇 美好
例句 The photos brought back some wonderful memories.这些照片唤起了我的一些美好回忆。He believes space tourism has a great future.他相信太空旅游前景美好They have many happy memories of days gone by. 他们拥有许多过去的美好回忆。The idea of spending two weeks with him may seem heavenly.和他一起度过两周的想法听起来似乎十分美好Recovering from his illness has made him more alive to the beauty of life.病愈后,他更加意识到生命的美好The film tells a beautiful story about two young lovers.影片讲述了一对年轻恋人间的美好故事。Marie still had fond memories of their time together.玛丽依然保留着他们在一起时的美好回忆。He always harks back to the good old days of his youth.他总是回想年轻时的美好旧时光。Is the picture really so rosy?前景真有那么美好吗?One does miss the niceties of first-class travel when one is forced to forego them.被迫放弃乘坐头等舱时,就会怀念它的美好The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.这次胜利勾起了他对往昔那些夺冠岁月的美好回忆。For the first few months of their marriage, everything was peachy.他们婚后的最初几个月里,一切都那么美好Electoral victory is just a distant mirage.选举获胜只是一个可望而不可即的美好幻景。He goes on ad nauseam about how much better everything was in the old days.他喋喋不休地讲过去的一切是多么多么的美好Their quarrel meant the end of a beautiful friendship.他们的争吵意味着一段美好友情的结束。It was a beautiful day, and Ellie wanted it to go on for ever and ever.那一天真美好,埃莉希望永远都这样。It's easy to be starry-eyed about a place you've never been to.人们很容易把从来没去过的地方想得过于美好Steve longed for the good old days.史蒂夫怀念往昔的美好岁月。He remembers the good old days when everyone in his village knew him and you could leave your door open at night.他还记得村里人互相熟识、可以夜不闭户的美好往昔。Their marriage got off to a good/bad start. 他们的婚姻有个美好/糟糕的开端。I have such happy pictures in my mind of those times.在我脑海中那段日子的情景是那么美好He drew in his small paunch and straddled his legs, savouring the evening.他收起圆滚的小肚子,叉着双腿,享受着夜晚的美好This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.这可能是他们美好友谊的开始。If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好Some doubters fear this news may not be as good as it appears.有些持怀疑态度的人担心这条新闻并非像报道那般美好We went for a lovely romantic walk by the lake.我们去湖边散步,美好而浪漫。He went on to paint a rosy picture about how much has already been accomplished.他继续描绘着已经取得多大成就的美好画卷。It wasn't all peaches and cream as he had promised.事情并没有像他所许诺的那样美好The idea of spending two weeks with him may seem heavenly.和他一起度过两个星期的主意听起来似乎分十分美好The positive aspects of parenthood are rarely written about.为人父母的美好一面很少被写到。Her rosy view of life in the country seems rather naive.她对乡村生活的美好憧憬未免太天真。What good is life if a guy can’t kick back and watch a good movie?如果一个人不能放松下来看一部好电影,那还叫什么美好人生?




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