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词汇 冬季
例句 Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.在青贮窖发明之前,冬季奶牛产奶较少,因为没有青饲料可以吃。Except for four months of winter dormancy, the butterflies are perpetually on the move.除了冬季休眠四个月,蝴蝶总是在不停活动。The population became used to braving out the harsh winter months with inadequate electricity and fuel supplies.民众已经习惯了在电力和燃料供应不足的情况下挺过严酷的冬季Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.通过夏季将温度调至高挡冬季调至低挡的方式来省钱。Hoarseness is very common in the winter season.冬季很容易哑嗓子。The amaryllis is one of the easiest indoor winter flowers to grow.孤挺花是室内最好养的冬季花卉之一。We watched movies to fight off the winter doldrums.我们看电影来排遣冬季的忧郁。The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm watch.国家气象局发布了冬季暴风雪预警。Colds are prevalent in the winter.感冒流行于冬季They used to fish in the summer and shoot in the winter.过去,他们经常夏季捕鱼,冬季射猎。In Europe, tomatoes are out of season in winter.在欧洲,西红柿在冬季不是时令蔬菜。She certainly knows how to chase away those winter blues.她当然知道如何摆脱冬季的抑郁情绪。Cold winters can be a trial for older people.寒冷的冬季对老年人来说是个不小的麻烦。The restaurant has already closed up shop for the winter.这家餐馆已经开始了冬季歇业。It was winter and the sparrows were pecking at whatever they could find.时值冬季,麻雀啄食着能够找到的任何东西。Flu is most prevalent during the winter months.冬季,感冒最为流行。There is no ferry service to the island in the winter.冬季没有去岛上的渡轮。The tropics are visitable only during the winter.热带地区只有在冬季去才好。Crossing branches can be removed during the dormant winter period.交叉枝可以在冬季休眠期剪掉。They refreshed their winter food supply by hunting.他们透过打猎补充了他们的冬季食物储存。On all of our scenarios winter precipitation increases substantially.从各种情况看,冬季的降水量有显著增加。The park in winter is a depressing monochrome brown.冬季公园里是一片令人抑郁的单调棕色。He competed in bobsledding at the winter Olympics.他参加了冬季奥运会的大雪橇比赛。The area is famous for its very mild winter climate.这个地区因冬季气候十分温和而著名。We are very cut off here, especially during the winter.我们这儿交通极为不便,冬季尤其如此。Supplies were running short as winter came on.冬季来临时,补给品快用完了。The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter.那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季Robins mostly appear in the winter and are commonly pictured on Christmas cards.知更鸟在冬季最常见,经常被画在圣诞卡上。It was hard to keep warm in the cabin during the winter months.冬季在这个小木屋里很难保暖。We passed the winter pleasantly enough.我们相当愉快地度过了那个冬季The hills look very bleak in wintertime.冬季这些山坡看上去很荒凉。The latest challenge is to promote the LSO's winter concert season.最近的挑战是为伦敦交响乐团的冬季音乐会演出做宣传。She plans to use it as a winter retreat.她打算把它当成冬季静养处。Temperatures rarely rise above zero in winter.冬季气温很少高于零度。By the end of the winter the supply of grain was severely depleted.冬季快要结束时,粮食供给已经消耗得差不多了。Fresh fruit was unobtainable in the winter.新鲜水果在冬季是弄不到的。We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter.我们添置了一些御寒的衣服以迎接即将来临的冬季Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks.在未来几周,冬季农产品会更贵。This weather is apt to be more common in winter.这种天气在冬季往往更常见。We are facing the prospect of a very hard winter.我们将遇到一个严寒的冬季




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