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词汇 冬天
例句 They go skiing in Switzerland every winter.他们每年冬天去瑞士滑雪。The school holds a canned food drive every winter.这所学校每年冬天都举办罐头食品义卖活动。There are more cars on the roads in summer than in winter.夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多。Autumn has shaded into winter early this year.今年,秋天早就不知不觉地转变成为冬天The winter sky was clear.冬天的天空万里无云。He went south to escape the English winter.为了逃避英国的冬天,他去了南方。She'd been working outside all winter and her hands were red and chapped.她一冬天都在外面干活,双手红肿,还裂着口子。It was the coldest winter on record.那是有史以来最冷的冬天I seem to catch a cold every winter.我好像每年冬天都要感冒。Snowstorms are common during winter.暴风雪在冬天里很常见。His breath turned to steam that winter morning.那个冬天的早晨,他呼出的气都化成了汽雾。Sapporo, Japan, has the look of a Wisconsin city in winter.冬天,日本的札幌看上去很像威斯康星市。He longed for the winter to be over.他企盼冬天早日过去。The castle is closed to visitors in winter.这座城堡冬天不对游客开放。The trees drop their needles in the winter. 那些树冬天掉针叶。Although raccoons may lie up in their dens during the winter they do not actually hibernate.浣熊冬天虽然躲在巢穴里,但实际上并没有冬眠。It is now halfway through winter and food stocks are already low.现在冬天刚刚过半,但食物的储备已经不足了。During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.冬天里,很多人来游泳,游泳池里很拥挤。The young plants need some coverlets in winter.这些幼苗在冬天需要覆盖物。Most trees are denuded of their leaves in winter.大多数树木在冬天落光叶子。The hens stopped laying in winter.这些母鸡冬天停止了产蛋。He caught/contracted pneumonia over the winter.他在冬天感染了肺炎。It's hellish cold up here in winter.这里的冬天冷得要命。The pond was iced over for most of the winter.这个池塘在冬天的大部分时间里都封冻着。The tern's forehead is clouded with streaks in winter.燕鸥的前额在冬天会出现斑驳的条纹。Hector spent the winter learning how to cope with his blindness.那个冬天赫克托都在学习如何适应失明的生活。They hope to finish their new home by winter.他们希望在冬天之前建好自家新房。Looking around at the shuttered houses, he observed that the island was entirely different in the winter.环顾四周百叶窗遮蔽的房子,他说岛上的冬天完全不同。Water does the job fine in summer but would freeze in winter.水在夏天的时候能很好地发挥作用,但是到了冬天就会结冰。She would complain of catch in the joints during winter.冬天的时候她会说自己关节僵硬。The weather scientists predicted a cold winter.气象专家预计冬天会很冷。The weather in Harbin is bitter during the winter.哈尔滨的冬天严寒刺骨。This is the coldest winter on record.这是有史以来最冷的冬天We often get very wet cold winters here.我们这里的冬天多雨而且寒冷。Everywhere looks so grey and depressing in winter.冬天,到处都是灰蒙蒙的,令人压抑。I hated those cold winter mornings.我讨厌冬天寒冷的早晨。It's time to pack away the winter woollies.该把冬天穿的羊毛衫收起来了。They were scrimping and scraping all winter so that they could have a good holiday this summer.他们整个冬天精打细算过日子,以便省下钱来在夏天舒舒服服度假。The guy's completely nuts! He goes around in nothing but a pair of shorts in the middle of winter.那个家伙完全疯了!他大冬天只穿一条短裤跑来跑去的。During winter the lake became a solid block of ice.冬天里,湖面上结了一层厚实的冰。




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